"Re-Education" of Japanese Company really a form of bullying

Feb 03, 2013 23:11

I'm passionate about studying disasters, particularly natural. When I began to watch Seconds from Disaster eight years ago, that ignited my interest to study all disasters more rather than just natural. Since I began watching the show and study the chain of events that lead to disasters created by people, I rarely have seen bullying involved until recently.

In the recent season of Seconds of Disaster, episode 7, it talks about how this runaway train derailed in Japan. There's an episode similar to it in Situation Critical. It's obvious that it was human error. However, they go into the detail of the driver's background. Since the driver made some mistakes ten months before the accident, he got ordered to go to a rehabitation, or re-education, program for his company. He gets shouted at, demeaned, harrassed for weeks. Basically, scared shitless into not making another mistake for the company. The leader for the company's union consideres it to be bullying and someone else who went through the same thing basically got psychologically messed up from the same thing.

If you don't want to see the whole episode, the part about the re-education/rehabitation starts at 32:21. Warning: The part of the "re-education/rehabilation" scene may cause trigger warnings for those that have been bullied in the work place. The whole episode can be upsetting as there's moderate amounts of blood and 107 people die in this disaster..

Had I been in this guy's shoes, I would've said "fuck it" to the company and found myself a job at another one that didn't use scare tactics to make their employees be more safe. Then again, the company should talk imo. However, if I would go more into that, I would have a novel sized rant not related to bullying.

social issues, workplace bullying, asshat theatre, cruelty, events, bullying, harassment, japan

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