Anniversary and Spirit Day

Oct 11, 2012 00:40

Happy Belated Anniversary to our beloved community, Bullying_BeGone! Hard to believe I created this community two years ago on October 5th. Thank you all for making this community for what it is. I hope this community has been helpful in some way to many of you.

October 20th is Spirit Day. Wear purple on that day as a way to honor those that have ended their lives over being bullied for being gay. However, go the extra mile and wear purple as a way not only to end bullying against those in the LGBT community...but to end bullying in general.

anti-bullying, tragedy, education, the community, counseling, coping mechanisms, suicide, bullying_begone, bullying awareness, glbt, bullying organizations, spirit day, harassment, bullying, bullying prevention, help, support

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