Rachel Ehmke, 13-year-old Minnesota student, commits suicide months after bullying

May 10, 2012 08:33

Warning:Trigger warnings for suicide and verbal abuse

Rachel Ehmke, a 13-year-old seventh grader in Mantorville, Minn., died April 29 after hanging herself at her home. The months leading up to the tragedy were a whirlwind of peer abuse instances, her parents say.

Now following Rachel's Friday funeral that was met with widespread community condolences, Rick and Mary Ehmke are speaking out against the bullying they say their daughter endured at Kasson/Mantorville Middle School and online.

I'm hoping that this will lead to Minnesota changing their anti-bullying laws a bit as well as making those kids that drove Rachel to suicide think more about how they treat others. I don't think any of them were expecting her to kill herself (then again, most people don't...but that's what happens when something like bullying gets downplayed). I just find it fucked up that the person that sent that email about her trying to get her to leave that school wasn't even a student there.

anti-bullying, news, students, wisconsin, made fun of, education, cyber bullying, nebraska, parents, vids, articles, teens, forgiveness, internet, u.s department of education, teasing, social issues, suicide, government, school, bullying awareness, minnesota, bullying, reporting, arizona, law, education department, internet bullying, school bullies, abuse

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