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Comments 5

ainiji November 1 2011, 01:03:07 UTC
I remember being a kid and being bullied. A lot of the kids are afraid to speak up or share with someone because they think talking to someone is like a 'no-no' or it's a cowardly thing to do. The thing is, it's not. Talking to someone is the right thing to do. It's important to know that if you're being bullied then you need to talk to someone you trust: an adult or a school teacher. You need to let people know what's going on. If they are aware what's happening then they can stop this from progressing to other kids.

Regardless of a person's sexual orientation, their weight, how they look, their race, where they're from, or religion, that person should not be bullied because these are the things that make a person special.

This was perfect and well-said. I have more respect for Sheamus now. <3


yaseen101 November 1 2011, 16:15:11 UTC
Can I re-post this, especially that last quote on my LJ? :)


mike November 1 2011, 17:33:41 UTC
Sure, please do! :-)


yaseen101 November 1 2011, 18:23:52 UTC


sieya115 January 24 2012, 23:20:12 UTC
I have been bullied my whole life. But hey! Not all is Lost! It teaches one to rise Above, albiet in a horrible mind scarring and altering fashion... It sucked, but it taught me to be better than that.


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