Just another crazy meme from my friend
feyth 1. First Name: David
2. Age: 52
3. Location: Las Vegas, NV
4. Occupation: None. Wating for my SS Disability to go thru. Soon, I hope to hear on Monday
5. Partner: Yes. with Edward
bearland 6. Kids: No thanks.
7. Brothers/Sisters: A Brother In Minneapolis
8. Pets: 3 Pit bulls, 2 Jack Russell terrier mixes and 2 cats
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
a. Not much going on. Just awaitin' on my SSD..
b. My husband is going to Purdue to get a Doctorate in Hospitality Mangement in August.
c. Uh, that's about it.
10. School: Haven't been to college since 1977 so I doubt I will go again.
11. Parents: My mother is dead since 2003 and my pop lives near hear in Henderson, Nev.
12. Who are some of your closest friends?: Gino, Chris