Jul 30, 2005 19:31
::Floyd:: One night it was dark and dreary and I was walking down a lonley path of solitude and self control. I look to my right and all I saw was a beautifull stalion covered in black and had red eyes of fire and passion. I tried to think of what it could be. I think it represented my wantingess to be free form all this worldly populous that contains drama and dreariness. But Im still not sure. I look to my left, and I saw a wide grazing land with green shrubs, trees as high as the eye could imagine.. And a moose, drinking from a rive. I still cant undertsand what the moose meant, but I think::Me:: the moose meant sumthing with my future. I imagine the moose to be my fortune teller.. You know those lady’s wrapped in cloth form head to toe with that gem thing stuck to there forehead. Anyways.. She was the moose. She was the one with the ginormous antlers sopping up the stream with her flopping lips. And she looked at me.. I remeber this. She stared into my eyes and made me see my future. Now normally the lady wrapped in cloth would tlel you your own future.. But moose cant talk DUH. She showed me sumthing horrible and sad .. So sad and horrible that I cant even tell you. All I have to say is that there was a cop and a barber. And thats as far as I will go with that. And then we went further.. Further down the road of my future. She showed me my life when I was married and had kids.. It sucked. My family was a mess and I wanted out. I always seem to just want OUT. She stopped. Everything was nomral. The scene was the way it was and she stopped staring at me. She had to pee. She ran off into the wilderness and found her spot. I turned away.. Its rude to watch. As I turned I felt a breeze of calm sweep over me and a mist of the.. Nope nvm that wasnt the lake. I was the tree. DAMNIT SHE PISSED ALL OVER ME.::Floyd:: It flowed like a waterfall and I felt like I was falling. The abiss was catching me but not my breath and as I plunged into the icy water a thousand knives attacked my lungs and squeezed out the air of wich I held onto for so long. I surfaced only with enough time to grab one last gasp before I got sent tot he bottom of the lake. The bottom is more calm then the top, theres no rushing water to bury your head.