Jun 17, 2005 15:45
This is me not knowing when t move on.
Had a dream of him last night. We hung out and went hunting. Duh as rednecks would. At the end of the day we were acting as if we were a couple again. As always. Looking into eachothers eyes and cracking jokes at everything sexual. Said we were going home. And i said i was going to sleep in the bed this time. he said kristy would have a fit. Naturally i started flipping out.
Hes never going to leave her. but hes never going to stop wanting to be with me. So this is me saying im done. it was fun. i had GREAT TIME AND I WISH IT COULD HVE WORKED OUT DIFFERENTLY. IM SRY IT DIDNT BUT I WONT BE TREATED LIKE THIS ANY LONGER.
I cant believe he called yesterday. How could he think me as such a fool. To buy into his lies again. Are you joking?
He said that things would be different if i had stuck up more to kristy. if i had actually gotten pregnant he could have told her to fuck off. if i had told him i loved him too he would have stayed. If i wasnt moving to england he would have not chickened out.
Bullshit. you only said those things to keep me on a string wishing you would turn around. you wont and i know this now. im done pretending.
Going out tongiht with christine and heather. its gunna be a blast.
2morro is her welcome home party. thats gunna be awesome.
I just widh i couold fall in love with sumone who believes in sumthing and isnt a coward.l I thoguht i had found perfection.. it was all a front. couldnt be himslf. all an act. then i found sumone who i could be me around. truly comfortable. then realized... he was too much like me and the relationship wasnt serious enough. he walked away to a mammoth. the other one to sumthing in my opinnion he could live without.
You find love in the most unexpeted places though and congrats to you who foudn it. dont listen to toher ppl. love doesnt come often enough.
'Just because your better than me doesnt mean m lazy. just because your going fowards doesnt mean im going backwards'
Im only as jaded as you made me.