Friends Only!

Aug 03, 2008 11:33

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fairerose March 18 2010, 17:11:55 UTC
Hello April! I'm Jennifer! I've seen your LJ a few times in different music and baseball communities I've searched for and/or are apart of or been apart of. I don't know why I never friended you sooner or why we've never became friends sooner because we have a ton in common.

We both are friends with blinding_voip and iliveforsports and we are both members of christmaslovers and weliveforthis.

As for our common interest we both like....
back to the future, bon jovi, books, baseball, cats, concerts, dancing, grease, the nelsons, the monkees, the beatles, that '70s show, the breakfast club, the beach boys, rick springfield, and I'm sure there's probably a ton more but, I wouldn't want to bore you before you even got to know me. lol.

I also see that you met The Nelsons? That's really awesome. What were they like in person? I'm hoping to see them in concert this year at Disney. I don't know if I'll be lucky enough to meet them though although I did get to meet Davy Jones there. =)

Anyroad, before I write you a novel I hope you don't mind me friending you and do hope perhaps you'll friend me back? Maybe talk to you later? Peace, love, and rock n' roll!


bullpenbrat22 March 19 2010, 21:23:38 UTC
Hi Jennifer ;) It's great to have you on board. Welcome :)

The Nelsons were so sweet and adorable :) I just love them tons! And Davy are lucky to have met him, although for me, seeing him in person again was a total thrill :)


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