Sunday Sunday Sunday!

Jan 29, 2007 02:19

So i get woken up at 1ishy to my phone vibrating against my desk, it was my mom calling wondering if my aunt called. I wondered why and she told me, my aunt's father in-law (who's been in a coma for a couple of years or so now) passed away sunday morning/saturday night. I knew him enough to know he was a good person, but am i a bad person for not wanting to go to the wake or funeral? So that's always a good thing to wake up to. Because of this news i didn't feel like doing anything, not like i do much on a sunday with no work anyways, but that's besides the point. I ended up locking myself in my room pretty much, while trying to keep myself busy so i don't think about it. I made plans to go out, so i did, and as i was leaving my mom was sick and throwing up. Going out did get my mind off things, but onto different things i didn't want to think about, but they weren't as bad/i don't mind them as much. So now i sit here, writing this crappy entry trying to pass some time and to get tired. It didn't work. I'll probably update this entry with more details about what the rest of the family thinks or something lame like that.
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