Aug 09, 2007 23:43
It's that time... fuck spring cleaning... like a hurricane, my life must be wish-washed and battered until the weakness and attachments are clensed from my conscience... no more shall i suffer any negative circumstance that never results in a better day, from this point on... i will push it to the limit... every fucking angle will be scrutinized until I make the negatives into a positive. No more weed... I quit. Not that i'm against it, and not that I won't smoke it from time to time... but right now, my life needs organization and priorities must be met... smoking weed is not a priority, instead it's a barrier. I break all opstacles in my way down to the point of passing without a slip in my pace. Second... no more calling out or calling in late to work... from this point on, I force myself threw any problem at home or socially and make it to the work-place for it is my secondary priority. My first responsibility will now be school... in fact, my third change will be to read more. a lot more. I recently read that exercizing your mind creates a more healthy brain. Therefore i've also begun meditating. I also decided to get on a sleep schedule, a consistent schedule that will help my body adjust to a steady balance of energy. Energy is a big part of my goals... therefore, energy shall be my main focus... however, i refuse to look towards illegal or forced energetic techniques such as drugs or energy drinks... instead i will become active... and go on a healthy diet to achieve this goal. I'm talking fruits and vegetables while arobics and sports. Before unleashing my master plans... these plans must reach their optimum success. By next month, my body will be ready for what I plan... both financially, socially, and academically. By this time next year... I will reach my ultimate destination... place your bets... august 9th, 2007 marks the day Dan Randolph dies... now watch as I resurrect the real me.