re: jumping
Too lazy for polls, plz to always jump me, if you want to thread just ask. I'm usually on irc (either as Ashes or Hanazawa^Rui) although I only pay attention to main chan when pinged. I'm also on gchat and gmail as alioth. If you can't find me, Morrolan, Pell, or Domyoji can.
IC: Ash is Ash, which is to say that there are a lot of things to worry him and a lot of things to distract him and he wants to go home, but as long as he has Kieran he's ultimately fine. They had a fight recently and camp is changing their relationship by necessity, but Ash's faith in Kieran means that he's not showing his shaky to anyone but Kieran. They're both hurting, but Ash believes they'll heal.
OOC: Love my godling baby. I've been playing him a lot less lately mostly due to Kieran's and other important people's not-being-aroundness and that's TOTALLY OKAY because Rui is v. distracting. Kieran not being there all the time DOES affect my playing of Ash, and events of late have sort of brought that point home. Playing him when Kieran isn't available to thread with (not simultaneously, but just in general) is something I'm likely to be doing less of, because it makes me feel shaky. I feel like I should essay on him and how he relates to people in general and such.
Dropping: Ash is only getting dropped if Kieran does or I leave the game. Like I said, I love my godling.
IC: Eeeh. She doesn't really mind camp (it's not much weirder than home), but she doesn't get to see much of Will and things with Warren just got Awkward.
OOC: Layla is the character I've perpetually felt least steady with. She's not really my type, and her energy and brightness is very difficult for me to sustain long term. Because of this she's made very few friends, which is entirely my fault but also makes her more difficult to want to drag out. I tend to forget about her.
Dropping: Despite that, not very likely. Dropping Layla would doom Warren, and I do get in moods where playing her is fun. She's just never going to be a primary because she takes too much energy. If Warren goes, Layla will as well.
IC: For all his cranky, Kas is a pretty happy man right now. He has Mikah, Stiaan is somewhere he can see him and not wandering around alone wearing himself to the bone, and Mikah and Stiaan have each other, which makes him happy at least as much as it makes him emo. If his son was here and he knew for sure that time wasn't passing at home, he'd be secretly ecstatic. At the moment, he has no desire whatsoever to leave camp despite the fact that it's uncomfortably hot, disgustingly swampy, and much too small for his twitchy wandering soul. This is unlikely to change in the near future.
OOC: When I'm playing my failzerker, I love him to bits. It's fun to tsuntsuntsun at people. Like Layla, he needs more relationships, but unlike Layla, Kas isn't social. Two of his three important people are in camp now, though, so he's very secure and as stable as an emo berserker poet can be.
Dropping: Unless both Mikah and Stiaan drop, Kastor is in no danger. I can keep him with one or the other, but if he loses both he's really not much good.
IC: Otoya is learning about the dozen ways in which his future will suck!! But he's Kurenai Otoya, and he's not going to admit that finding out that he doesn't have anything to do with raising his apparently half-fangire son who also fights monsters and is socially retarded to the nth degree is getting him down! I've canon updated him since his app, so he's probably making violins to keep his mind off it.
OOC: I don't get Otoya out very much because again, very high energy character, but when I do I always have a BLAST. I'm zen with this. The Kamen Rider casts are hilarious and wonderful. The show is getting more and more serious, so hopefully soon I'll know how bad I'm going to get jossed. The suspense is kind of killing me.
Dropping: Again, unlikely. Unless I get bored or Wataru drops or something ridiculous happens in Kiva to make him utterly unplayable.
Hanazawa Rui
IC: There is very little substantive difference for Rui between life at camp and life in Tokyo besides that life in camp smells worse and has dangers that money and power can't really protect his friends from. When Makino and Tsukasa aren't breaking up and no one is being eaten by the rogue wildlife or other campers, he's pretty zen, especially now that Akira is here and F4 is together again.
OOC: oh god how did the guy who barely talks become my primary? I am having waaaay too much fun with Rui. Loev my cast, loev his relationships, basically loev everything about playing him. He's a serious guy but I feel like I get to do a lot of funny stuff with him, and I've gotten more random love since apping Rui than I have for any of my other cast members. The movie stings me in my kokoro and I have every intention of ignoring the blatant character assassination therein, but really I love everything about Rui and playing him.
Dropping: lololololol no. As long as Domyoji and Makino are in camp, Rui's good. Without them he's too much of a secondary and dependent character to be maintained, but I don't think anyone in my cast is in danger of dropping any time soon.
Tired player is tired. Autumn light changes bring on the blehs for me (and just about everyone else I know, it seems). I've been playing mostly with cast and people I'm very comfy with lately and THIS SHOULD CHANGE but I am a natural hermit. I'm going to be trying to get my cast out more and interacting with new folks and not be so thread droppy. we'll see if this meets with any success.