day after thnxgiving?

Nov 25, 2005 09:25

i think so. wicked great seeing eryn again. pretty weird having like not everyone there, but yea, at least i could walk without bumping into people so its all good, right?
school is hell. which is kinda ironic since theres a chappel nd a bazillion crosses nd such. well, what can i say?
supposedly my anatomy teacher smokes pot and does students. i mean, when you think about it, the class is really hard to pass. so idk. but yea, it creeps me out.
newayss, quizlet right here, cuz it cann be? mmhmm.

Time started: 9:28 am

Full Name: elizabeth ann almeida
Single or Taken: Single
Sex: female
Birthday: January 26, 1991

Sign: aquarius
Siblings: brother
Eye color: brown
Height: 5'3"
Innie or Outie: innie
What are you wearing right now: pjpants, wicked big shirt, sweatshirt
Where do you live: ri
Righty or lefty: righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: yea

Who are your closest friends: gjhs, honors class of '05

Do you have a BF or GF?: no 8[

Best place to go for a date: newhere

Where is your fav place to shop: newberry comics



kind of pants: jeans, balck cadoroys

Color: red, black, light green

Number: 9

Boys Name: idk

Girls Name: idk

Animal: tigerss

Drink: lemonade

Sport(s): tennis, hockey

Fast-Food Place: Subway

Month: january

Movie: idk

Juice: raspberry lemonade

Finger: thumb

Breakfast: cerial

Favorite cartoon character: bloo 8]

***Have you ever***

Given anyone a bath: no

Bungee Jumped: no

Gone skinny dipping: yea

Eaten a dog: nooo

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no

Loved someone so much it made you cry? no

Broken a bone: no

Played truth or dare: yea

Been in a physical fight: yea

Been in a police car: no

Been on a plane: yea

Come close to dying: no

Been in a hot tub: yea

Swam in the ocean: yea

Fallen asleep in school: yea

Ran away? almost

Broken someone's heart: not that i kno of

Cried when someone died: yes

Cried in school: no

Fell off your chair: yea

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: yes

Saved AIM conversations: yea

Saved e-mails: yea

Fallen for one of your best friends? yea

Made out with JUST a friend? yea

Used someone: no

Been cheated on: i hope not

What is...
Your good luck charm: grey sweatshirt

Best song you ever heard: idk

Stupidest thing you have ever done: been stupid in general

What's your room like: green walls, black trim, actually neat mann, crazy i kno 8]

Last thing you ate: cerial

What kind of shampoo do you use: idk, lol

Best thing that has happened to you this year: nothing

Worst thing that has happened to you this year: realizing prout sux big balls

Have you had..
Chicken pox: no

Sore Throat:yea

Stitches: yea

Broken nose: no

do you..
Believe in love at first sight: idk

Like picnics: yea

Like school: No

What schools have you gone to: john green, gorton, prout

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no.

Who was the last person that called you: matt

Who was the last person you slow danced with: jesse

What makes you laugh the most: elise & isabel

What makes you smile: my friends

Last person...
You yelled at: jj

Who broke your heart: idk

Who told you they loved you: mi madre

Is your loudest friend: jj

Do you/Are You:
Do you like filling these out: yea

Do you wear contacts or glasses: no

Do you like yourself: no

Do you get along w/ your family: sometimes

Stolen anything over $50: no

Obsessive: about certain things

Compulsive: idk

Anorexic: hah no

Suicidal: no

final questions
How many people are you sending this to: um, no one in particular

What are you listening to right now: radio

What you do yesterday: vets peprally

Hated someone in your family: nah

Got any awards: yea

What car do you wish to have: small & fast

Where do you want to get married: outside

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: alot of things

Good driver: dont drive

Good Singer: i wish

Have a lava lamp: no

How many remote controls are in your house: 2

Are you double jointed: no

What do you dream about: um, pass

Last time you showered: yesterday

Last time you took a bath: idk

The last movie you saw at the theatres: the fog

Black or white: black

Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr.pepper

Mud or Jell-O wrestling: mudd 8]

Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla

Skiing or Boarding: idk

Summer or winter: winter

Silver or Gold: silver

Diamond or pearl: diamond

Sunset or Sunrise: sunset

Sprite or 7up: sprite

Orange juice or apple juice: orange

Cats or dogs: dogs

Coffee or tea: coffee

Phone or in person: in person

Are you Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: youngest

Indoor or outdoor: outdoor

End time: 9:39

and more.

Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on? with

Q2) Prefer black or blue pens? both

Q3) Dress up on Halloween? sure

Q4) Like to travel? yea

Q5) Like Someone? no

Q6) Do they know? noo

Q7) Who sleeps with you every night? my imagonary lover..JK

Q8) Think you're attractive? not particularily

Q9) Want to get married? idk

Q10) To: idk

Q11) Are you a good student? yea

Q12) Are you currently happy? no

Q13) Have you ever cheated on someone? no

Q15) Christmas or Halloween? both

Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo? both

Q17) Do long distance relationships work? yea

Q18) Do you believe in astrology? yea

Q19) Do you believe in love at first sight? no

Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party? sometimes

Q21) Do you drink? i have, not regularily

Q22) Do you make fun of people? jokingly

Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true? some

Q24) Favorite fictional character? harry potter man, duh (actually fred &george 8])

Q25) Go to the movies or rent? both

Q26) Have you ever moved? no

Q27) Have you ever stolen anything? no

Q28) How's the weather right now? cold without snow

Q29) Last time you cut your hair? year?

Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone? matt

Q31) Last time you showered? yesterday

Q32) Loud or soft music? loud

Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King? neither

Q34) Night or day? night

Q35) Number of pillows? 1

Q36) Piano or guitar? idk

Q37) Future job? idk

Q38) Current job? nothing

Q39) Current love? music, panic! at the disco ..inspired by friends

Q40) Current longing? partyyyy!

Q41) Current disappointment? knowing i'm not a part of their lives nemore

Q42) Current annoyance? my ability at typing

Q44) Last thing you bought? bday card?

Q45) Most recent thing you are looking forward to? emily's tonight

Q46) What are you hearing right now? music, a dog outside

Q47) Plans for the weekend? party @ emilys, movie night @ isabelles w/ elise nd shey, nd hw fer monday

Q48) What did you do today? woke up, breakfast, this..
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