And He Swears He Loves You...

Oct 21, 2009 23:13

Today was interesting.

The morning, I had a science club meeting before school. We came up with ideas for field trips, outreaches and such. By the way if you are a student at a high school and are interesed in learning more about green technology and are interested in having our school present our project to your school PLEASE inform me. We can present at your school, and show the students the sweet bus that runs on veggie oil. we have a great presentation <3.
Fourth period, we took that brutal unit 3 test. It was sooo bad, but it did kind of suck. I took most of the period. I had half an hour to spare.
Fifth period was fun. Me and  Justin just messed around with miss zegar ^__^  And she was messin with me.
Part of a conversation between me, justin and ms. zegar after lunch:
Ms. Z: (to me) throw that lollipop away before i take it!
Me: Wait! I'm almost done!!!
Ms. Z: *grabs end of lollipop trying to pry it from my mouth*
Justin: stop harrassing students! Dont you know she needs that lollipop?! without it...she'll go into a massive rage bent on destruction!!!
Me: *bites of entire lollipop, just the stick is left*
Ms. Z: i have a stick....a STICK.
Me: *grabs stick, I see ramiro and kirby coming down the hallway, ramiro comes to hug me, I han him the stick and hug him* haha now you dont even have a stick
Ms. Z: this isn't over....justin...your next
Justin: not when i have my weiner costume on, no one can touch me with that on!
Ms Z: *laughing* you got me there kid. that costume is hilarious!
   -overall fifth period was fun-
Sixth period, we discussed why Amreicans have an excise obsession with fast food (sometimes subconsciously). I went to the bathroom in the beginning of class, and I guess while i was gone the class had this discussion on christians/catholics/atheists. So, I walk into the classroom and they yell : "DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD?!?" And i non-chalently say no. They gasp, give me shocked looks, the works. It was priceless the faces I saw. As i walked to my seat people we asking me questions left and right. They treated me like some kind of alien. Some were even dusgusted and thought I was absolutely insane for not believing in their god. It annoyed me. I am apparently the only atheist in the class. This was an introduction to Friday's lesson. We are watching something on atheists vs. christians living in the same house. ....I do it big deal. I just hate how people are quick t critisize. It's not like i go around saying "omg why do you like god?!?!" "I cent believe you believe in god!" Have they ever considered that I have my reasons?
The day ended and I stayed after school. Hung out with people. It was awkward because it was mainly tony. It was odd. He wouldnt leave my side. No matter where I went, what i was doing, so on. Even when I was walking home, he went with....i have no problem, I just felt awkward.
I missed Ramiro today. He was there, but I hardly seen him.

Brooklynn is here at home. She's sleeping =] She's absolutely beautiful!

Well, I have pre calculus homework...til next time!

*tommarrow=guitar lessons at rick james' house!!!!*
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