Feb 13, 2006 15:48
I went shopping and was stopped three times by people I know. Sarah halted me and mentioned seeing me the other day but I didn't see her, then I saw Big Joe and he said the exact same line. I then went home but was stopped by Kitt, Alex and Rebbeca and dragged me back into town. I got stuck shaking hands with some one I didn't know whilst Kitt rubbed an emo on the head for money... I was forced into McDonalds and then ended up shaking hands for another half hour.
I think I annoyed some old people and for my troubles had my ear pulled rather hard.
The weather is total shite. I can't tell if the day has gone well or not. I managed to get THE PRESENT :0 But yar'll don't know much about that.
I then spent money I shouldn't really have done. I feel a bit bad about that.
Im still tagged.
Onwards to art work!