character data

Jan 18, 2010 22:46

name David "Devit" Gray
age 18
birthday December 21
nationality American


Devit's Innocence is essentially meant to be paired with Jasdero, and works fairly similar to their abilities when they were a Noah. Technically, Devit can imbue certain substances with the power of his Innocence and use them to defeat Akuma. Only objects containing lead, tin, iron, copper, mercury, silver, and gold can be powered with Innocence, and the more concentrated these elements are within the object, the more it can be powered. Once an object is powered, it will slowly lose power over time, unless he maintains it. The bigger the object, the more power it takes out of him, so while technically this ability could be used on something like a sword or club, it's more efficient to use small projectile weapons, meaning that his love of guns has become useful.

Because of this, Devit can actually utilize a number of different styles of weapons, from pistols to sniper rifles, since it's the bullets that receive the Innocence, but a pair of revolvers have been developed for use by him and his brother to best utilize their abilities and pander to their strengths. The nature of the revolver means that they can reload quickly but don't have to spend an entire 20-round clip, not to mention it's what they're familiar with. The revolvers themselves are referred to Castor and Pollux, after the Gemini twins, and Devit carries the former.

When the twins get together, the power they can give their ammunition increases significantly, since they can each afford the same amount of power into a single bullet. Effectively, their power doubles, and their bond as brothers allows them to work together in ways that they can't achieve with others.


As the sons of a military general and his wife, Devit's and Jasdero's mother had always been a frail woman, so it didn't bode well from the day she found out that she was pregnant with twins. But raised a Catholic woman, she refused to get rid of her babies in order to preserve her own health. On a cold, snowy night in December, just before Christmas, she gave birth to two boys, 7 weeks preterm. Devit, the first to be born, was otherwise healthy and going strong all things considered; on the other hand, Jasdero was not quite as lucky. Due to complications in utero, Devit was soon able to go home while the doctors ordered that the "younger" twin stay hospitalized for an addition week and a half.

Tests came back, information and pamphlets and comforting words flew back and forth, but being just an infant, the information all went over Devit's head, and by the time he was old enough to understand, he didn't want to know. He knew what he needed to know, which was that his brother was his brother. What more did he need to know?

Growing up, Devit always knew that Jasdero was a little different than other kids, but he didn't care, and by the time he was old enough to start going to school, any kids who dared make fun of his brother earned themselves a beating. Whenever someone teased Jasdero or tried to take his lunch much, "big" brother was always there. Of course, Devit was not immune. The taunting and jeering that would have gone over his little brother's head got flung at him instead, many regarding how the seeming twins were such polar opposites in appearance. Jasdero was fair-haired and light-eyed, like their mother, even inheriting her curls, whereas Devit inherited their father's dark, scruffy hair and strong jaw. No one ever figured out where he got the dark amber eyes.

As children, their mother was constantly sick, in and out of the hospital. And their father, his job being what it was, was often absent, although he wasn't necessarily a bad man-- he simply wasn't around and hardly had time for the family that he hadn't planned for. When their mother was around, though, she taught the children her distinct sense of morals, and at least tried to teach them to sing, passing on hymns and the lullabies her mother had sung to her as a child. Devit took to it well. For all his short comings, he actually had a taste for music, and could more or less carry a tune.

When their mother finally passed, the twins were six years old. Devit took it hard, becoming more angry and spiteful than he had been before. The only person he seemed to care about was his brother, who he stuck to like glue. He became angry towards his father and the people hired to watch him and his brother, going so far as to become excessively aggressive for a child of his age. It wasn't that there weren't good people in their lives, but rather, Devit simply took the tragedy hard. He was referred to a child psychologist, but nothing ever came of it.

Over the next year or two, Devit did calm down of his own accord, as the initial shock wore off. But he still got into fights in school and did poorly in his classes. Most importantly, what went unknown to most people was part of the real reason why he had reacted so terribly, when most people had thought that, even for a child, he had understood that his mother's time was limited. Only Jasdero really knew, and he wasn't telling anyone, but Devit had always found comfort in his mother's presence when the memories would resurface. Painful, bloody memories of another life and another time, when he and Jasdero had been different people, but the same people all the same. He remembered these things, and the pains of the battles they fought, and for such a young child, it had been overwhelming. He couldn't remember when the memories had started, vague and terrifying at first, then more specific as time had gone on. As far as he was concerned, they were just nightmares. That's what his mother would tell him as she stroked his hair and sung him to sleep.

These memories persisted as he grew, and as he grew, he became more and more at odds with his father on the rare occasions that he was in the man's presence for more than a few minutes. He had been given the name David at birth, but these memories gave him a different name, one that he started using among his friends. It just felt right, but he couldn't pin exactly what it was.

Devit grew considerably more reclusive, opting only to play with his brother during recess. The constant moving around meant that the two never really had time to make any good friends, but even so, he didn't make any attempts at socializing. Most adults passed it off as abnormal but understandable. Devit was hardly receptive to attempts at counseling, and he absorbed himself in his brother and his hobbies-- researching weapons, and music.

More importantly, Devit had always found difficulty in interacting with other students from the strange things that seemed to happen around him. True he was always a bit of a bully, but  strange phenomena seemed to happen to people that irritated him Throwing a pencil at someone resulted in them getting burned, water balloons thrown would somehow turn to ice. He swore up and down that they had been water, and he knew deep down that he couldn't explain how these things happened. It frustrated him even more; in turn, he kept lashing out.

It might have become even more of a problem, if the Order hadn't snatched him up. It all happened too quickly; he was out playing with his brother in a field when Akuma attacked. All he had on hand at the time was an Airsoft pistol, which hardly helped against the Akuma, but he was rescued by a certain Exorcist General. Sent out to investigate reports of Innocence in the area, General Klaud found the boys and escorted them back to the North America Branch HQ. He doesn't remember much of the details; he was too busy resisting and demanding of them where Jasdero was. Once they arrived, all he cared about was sticking close to Jasdero.

Most of what these strange adults said, most of what they told him, went over his head, too young to understand a lot of the big words they used. But some of what they said rang true; even then, he could still recall the horrible memories that had surfaced throughout his childhood. If coming to the Order offered anything to Devit, it was the ability to understand what it was that his memories were, exactly. As hard as it was to believe, it offered the explanation he had been desperately seeking all this time.

The twins were taken from their father and transported to England to have their Innocence inspect. What had at first seemed like standard Parasite-type Innocence turned out to be something entirely different altogether-- whereas normal Parasite-type users were able to use their own bodies as anti-Akuma weapons, the twins were able to turn other objects into weapons, and when the two of them set to it together, their power was that much stronger. It explained the strange phenomena that had surrounded the two growing up, and was dubbed Enchantment-type.

(oh my god tbc. tl;dr-- Devit trains under Klaud! Devit goes to school with the rest of the gang, even if he's the baby! Devit joins the theatre crew as a techie! Stuff happens! Yey!)


Despite having his life straightened out a whole hell of a lot from when he was living with his father, Devit still remains harsh and unrefined. He swears, he pierces his own ears, and he considers himself to be quite the badass. (Whether or not he actually is, well, that's another story.) He has, however, managed to make something that could resemble friends, even if he's a dick to them too.

But just like Devit cares for his brother, he cares for his friends too. Even if he routinely insults them, he would protect any of them with his life, and he's the only one allowed to make fun of them, not anyone else. Still, Jasdero is his number one concern, and the two share a special bond, being twins. Having his brother close means that he doesn't really care about his past with the Noah family. They're jerks and they made it so that he and Jas had to be separated; therefor, he hates them just as much as any Exorcist should.

Because of his upbringing, Devit is fairly knowledgeable about modern weaponry and enjoys researching it. Unfortunately for the Science Department, that sometimes involves him breaking in and playing with prototypes to a destructive degree. He's gotten in trouble more than once for tampering with things he shouldn't.

He has a strange sense of morals, thanks to his mother, and he has an odd way of expressing them. But as off-color as he may appear, he always means well. Up until recently, he had a considerable amount of trouble expressing his emotions, feeling like they were a sign of weakness, but after befriending the rest of the gang, he's started to open up more. Because of this, he's also started to regret not being able to reconcile with his father.

Another holdover from his early childhood is his dislike of being touched. There are very few people he lets touch him, and even then only in certain circumstances. Even though he's been learning to trust people that aren't his brother, he still doesn't like being on the receiving end of affection.

Devit's other love stems from his mother's lessons in music. He can still sing, even if he isn't the best of lyricists, and plays guitar when he has spare time. He also enjoys doing the things required of him in theatre tech-- running the sound equipment, programming the lights. For all his talent in these areas, he's not the best of students. He struggles in Math and Science in particular, and home ec is his mortal enemy. Don't ever ask him to cook you anything, if you value your life.


General Klaud - his second mommy! Even if he'll never admit it. Her patient yet stern teaching has worked a number on him, although it wasn't easy at first. He found out right quick that he would get smacked back if he tried hitting her. Still, he cares about her a lot, and she's the only other person he really trusts to take proper care of Jasdero if the need arises. Still, her boobs kind of scare him. He doesn't like it when she hugs him, and she embarrasses him just about as much as any other mom ever embarrasses her son.

Allison Walker - essentially, a bro with boobs. He makes fun of her a lot, but since they trained together, he secretly respects her. Mostly because she's pretty freaking scary for a girl, but not so bad to talk to. Definitely the sister he never had.

Alex Walker - Allison's brother. Pretty scary, but pretty trustworthy-seeming too. Devit doesn't dare make fun of him because he knows he'd get his ass kicked.

Mana Walker - Allison's other brother. Also scary, but a little more tormentable.

Cross Marian - holy fuck this guy is scary. Also, Devit still remembers him from his last life. Stupid Cross. >( Jasdevi still refuses to pay those debts.

Yu Kanda - also scary. But not a bro.

Daisya - less scary, but definitely a bro. Devit feels like they're pretty similar in personality, so he likes him.

Lavi - Devit doesn't like Lavi so much. Not for any good reason, but just because Lavi is a lot smarter than him.

Tyki - Also an ex-Noah! He's still a smelly hobo though. Still, it was kind of a comfort when Tyki joined the Order too, since it meant Jasdevi wasn't completely abandoned by his former Noah family.

Link - Devit's first real crush! As much as he doesn't act like it, he respects Link a lot for being organized and having his shit together! He's starting to realize it's never going to happen for them, though.

Alma - a friend! A friend that he kind of wants to kiss. :X He likes being able to show Alma new things, since it makes him feel useful.

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