Rebel // 28 [Action/Voice]

Mar 29, 2010 17:03

[It's evening, and Noel's sitting alone at Good Spirits. Yes, Noel, at the bar. A rare face, but she does have a reason to be here; she's waiting for Nami, of course. ... Unfortunately, Noel seems to have missed the distress call that was played last night, so she has no idea what happened to her. So Nami? Nami's a mean person who ditches her ( Read more... )

!irvine, what a smooth criminal, !sanji, at the bar, !yellow 13, noel don't do that, !hazama, !nu, derp, no one, !ragna, in the neighborhood, who you gonna call, !tsubaki, !taokaka, nami you flake, when there's something strange

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Comments 269

[Action] awakenedchaos March 30 2010, 00:14:20 UTC
[Well, if Noel's out this late, she might just notice a certain silver-haired Murakumo unit wandering through the village - specifically, she seems to be heading for the clothes shop. Hmm.

...Now why would she go there at this time of the day...?]


[Action] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:22:07 UTC
[Oh, she sees you, Nu. And though it's weird Noel's taking no chances. Hiding behind a tree is go.]


[Action] awakenedchaos March 30 2010, 00:27:50 UTC
[ν-13's not going to notice Noel, then. Or is she? Who knows, it's hard to tell. But regardless, she's going to disappear into the clothes shop for a few minutes.

...What is she doing, anyway? Hmm...]


[Action] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:30:57 UTC
[She peeks out a little just as Nu enters and stays like that for the next minute or two. Once the coast appears to be clear? Noel's going to try and sneak off, away from the clothing shop.]


catus_carnival March 30 2010, 00:23:23 UTC
[Kitty feels like trolling today. And by trolling, as in lying on a tree branch. Staring. Just like the Cheshire Cat. Her eyes and mouth are closed, her face almost blending into the darkness. Her clothes are hidden by leaves...somehow. Don't ask. Do you feel dat creeper aura? DO YOU?]


bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:26:32 UTC
[Herpderp walking through the kind of sort of woods.~

Wait. Yeah. Yeah, she's feeling that creeper aura. Noel stops to look around. WHO'S THERE!?!!]


catus_carnival March 30 2010, 00:28:47 UTC
[Opening dem eyes. Dem red eyes from the darkness. It's like a bad horror movie!]


bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:32:31 UTC
[Oh. Oh god. Oh dear god.]

Eek! W-What the hell!? [Stumbling backward and summoning Bolverk. OH DEAR MOTHER OF CHRIST IT'S A MONSTER FFJKHFS.]


[Filtered, uped to 100% because Sanji is that good] oda_hates_me March 30 2010, 00:28:48 UTC
[His tone is level, polite, all the usual flirtatiousness added in, but he's watching her with a very piercing gaze]

Ah, Noel-chan~! Is something the matter?


[Filtered, oh, Sanji. So sweet.] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:37:44 UTC
[... Those eyes.]

N-No-- well, I was wondering is everything was fine. Nami and I... were supposed to meet up today, but she never showed.


[Filtered, he's a gentleman like that] oda_hates_me March 30 2010, 00:42:17 UTC
[... hm. Well shit]

I apologize for Nami-san. I can promise you she didn't mean it. [no, everything isn't fine, but he's considering how involved you should be]


[Filtered, <3] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:57:32 UTC
[Hm. No. She doesn't want to be difficult.]

I understand. I-I mean, I'm sure things have been busy over there lately.


[Action] cowboykinneas March 30 2010, 00:35:25 UTC
[There's a cowboy at the bar, Noel. And he may have checked you out a few times, but he's mostly doing his own thing where he is.]


[Action] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:40:39 UTC
[She's noticed you there, Irvine, and vaguely remembers their last meeting. But seeing as how she still barely knows him, she'd feel weird walking up to you and just starting a conversation like that.

But despite noticing you, she hasn't noticed the checking out part just yet. You know how she's bored? Yeah. Daydreaming does wonders.]


[Action] cowboykinneas March 30 2010, 00:51:47 UTC
[After a few more moments of checking her out, he's pretty sure that he recognizes her. Even if it was for a moment, he recalls conversations with pretty ladies around here. And what better way to make himself feel better about a close friend leaving, than to just suck it up and get back into the roll of things?

With that, he gets up from his seat and makes his way over to Noel.] Hey there. Couldn't help but notice that you look pretty lonely.


[Action] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 01:00:28 UTC
[She recognizes the voice, and now she knows for sure that they've spoken before. What was his name, though...?]

O-Oh, I'm just waiting for a friend of mine to show up. [Waiting for a long ass time, but whatevs.]


[Action] yellowthirteen March 30 2010, 00:36:24 UTC
[While Noel's at the bar, she will see a man wearing a leather bomber jacket relaxing at the corner of the bar, a glass of Scotch on the counter next to him. What makes him stand out is the acoustic guitar he's playing. A distinct Spanish flair carries in his melancholic music, but he doesn't seem bothered to be playing in public. In fact, he's a regular and does it frequently.

Eventually, he'll finish a song, then pause to take a slight drink.]


[Action] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 00:48:27 UTC
[Actually, this is a great way to pass the time; listening to music. And honestly? Noel likes it. A lot. So feel free to notice the girl watching you from across the room.]


[Action] yellowthirteen March 30 2010, 00:57:47 UTC
[He does catch on, and looks up to see Noel watching him. It's been fairly quiet in the bar tonight... not a lot of people have shown. But hey, someone that takes an interest in his music is a good thing.

He'll motion for her to come on over and sit down. A small smile is on his face. ...One of the few since he got the news about Martel's murder.]


[Action] bullet_dance March 30 2010, 01:07:58 UTC
[Oh--he noticed her? F-Fff. She gets a little flustered because, well, now she realizes how weird that must have been for him. That's what she thinks, anyway.

... But wait. Is he motioning her to come over? Is there something he needs to ask? ... Uhh. Well, she can't just deny him. Here she comes. :|b]


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