Rebel // 27 [Voice :: Filtered to Nami and Tsubaki] 96% Unhackable

Mar 10, 2010 19:47

[This may or may not be the best idea Noel's come up with in a while. And just in case, she's filtering the hell out of this because she cares. And because she doesn't want to take any chances. So basically: she's been drafted, Nami's worn out from everything that's been happening lately, and her best friend's luck had finally worn out and now she's stuck in Luceti - right before her birthday, too. Or was it even close to her birthday back home? Whatever.

So after working on improving her filter for over an hour just for this, Noel's going to relay a message to her closest friends here. Sure, she's a little nervous and not used to being so very assertive, but for now she's going to have to suck it up, won't she? After all... it's for them, really. Them and their fleeting sanity.

She takes a deep breath. No. Nothing bad is going to happen today. They're going to have fun for once, goddammit.]

N-Nami? You're coming shopping with me. Y-You have... no choice in the matter. The same goes for you, too, Tsubaki. [... That was terrible. Wait. Did that come off wrong? How could Nami do it without sounding so ridiculous!?]

--I-If you want to, though, I-I mean! If you're busy today, I completely understand! ... So... just get back to me whenever you can and we'll work something out? [...okay. Slowly closing journal now.

... This was bad, wasn't it?]

[ooc note: Nami, Noel, and Tsubaki are out shopping. If you'd like to, feel free to run into them. :|b]

!tsubaki, !ragna, shopping, sigh, !nami, bonding tiems

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