Rebel // 17 [Action/Voice]

Jan 06, 2010 15:09


[Right. So, about a day or two, not sure which it is after Vash's unfortunate death, you might catch Noel heading through the forest. Or the plaza. Or somewhere in the village. Hell, even somewhere in Community Building 4 if you'd like. She wasn't thinking very straight earlier, and very angrily headed off alone in an attempt to stop ( Read more... )

!sanji, !brook, oh the agony, whatever, this is why you're stupid, !nami, vaaaaash sob, you dumbass, !akira ijyuin, !minako aino, noel don't do that, cool story bro, nice exercise, sigh

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[Action] 20mask January 6 2010, 23:48:15 UTC
[Akira is wandering around exploring, he's starting to get worried about the game not ending yet. He still hasn't found the Chairman or Takamura-senpai either and he hasn't been able to contact his mothers and tell them he's fine and at the school. He just can't seem to find the way back out of the game area, hopefully his mothers were warned or something when they got him there.

He may not have the Chairman's sixth sense for girls with problems but he notices one when he sees her. Approaching Noel now.]

Are you okay, Miss?


[Action] bullet_dance January 6 2010, 23:52:11 UTC
[Don't mind her. She's just beat.]

I-I'm fine. Just a little tired.


[Action] 20mask January 6 2010, 23:55:39 UTC
You look more than just a little tired. May I help you? Why don't you sit and rest a bit?


[Action] bullet_dance January 7 2010, 00:02:53 UTC
[That's actually a little tempting.]

... Only if you'd like, b-but I wouldn't want to trouble you or anything.


[Action] 20mask January 7 2010, 00:05:47 UTC
It's not a trouble!

Besides, as a member of the CLAMP School Detectives the Chairman would be angry with me if he learned I hadn't helped a troubled woman. I'll do my best to help you, please, just tell me what troubles you if it's okay with you. Or allow me to distract you from it if you prefer to not tell?


[Action] bullet_dance January 7 2010, 00:09:37 UTC
CLAMP... School Detectives?

--U-Um, well, I was just returning from a long trip.


[Action] 20mask January 7 2010, 00:13:09 UTC
Yes, the Chairman of the Elementary Government Division founded it along with Takamura-senpai and me. Our objective is "to help any woman in distress or pain and bring smiles to their faces"! [It's so obvious he's repeating something he has heard many times...]

A long trip? Then you should take a rest, are you hungry? Hurt anywhere?


[Action] 1/2 bullet_dance January 7 2010, 00:21:22 UTC
... That's an interesting objective.


[Action] bullet_dance January 7 2010, 00:22:47 UTC
B-But I'm sure if I just sit down and rest for a few minutes, I'll be okay.


[Action] 20mask January 7 2010, 09:03:01 UTC
Are you sure? If you're hungry I could get you something to eat, the place where I'm staying until the game is over isn't far. Or maybe you would prefer some tea?

Ah, my name's Akira Ijyuin. Nice to meet you!


[Action] 1/2 bullet_dance January 7 2010, 09:25:48 UTC
Yes, I'll be fine. Please don't worry about it.

I'm Noel Vermillion. It's nice to meet you, too...


[Action] bullet_dance January 7 2010, 09:27:09 UTC
... But -- "game"? What game?


[Action] 20mask January 7 2010, 14:06:54 UTC
If you say so, Vermillion-san...

[He's still a bit worried but will trust her word.

He gasps at the realization that he mentioned the game. That's bad, that breaks the roleplay!]

Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean to say it. I'm not used to be in those things for so long so it slipped my mind.

Uhm... Is there a penalty or something for breaking the character? [Taking his journal out to check the guide/rules again.]


[Action] bullet_dance January 7 2010, 14:08:57 UTC
... Wh-What...?


[Action] 20mask January 7 2010, 14:17:13 UTC


[Action] bullet_dance January 7 2010, 14:31:34 UTC
S-Sorry... but I don't think I understand what you mean by that.


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