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[Action] 1/2 mikangirl December 11 2009, 01:33:47 UTC
[Opening the door after a few seconds.]

Oh, just the person I want to--


[Action] 2/2 mikangirl December 11 2009, 01:34:28 UTC
[...that is not a happy face.]

What's wrong?


[Action] bullet_dance December 11 2009, 01:38:18 UTC
[... fff. Sorry to ruin the mood, Nami. Noel will shake her head, and lean in a little closer.]

Could we talk somewhere a little more private? I'm sorry.


[Action] mikangirl December 11 2009, 01:41:57 UTC
Sure can. [Slipping out into the hallway and closing the door behind her softly.] Where to? Your apartment? Or do you want to go for a walk?


[Action] bullet_dance December 11 2009, 01:43:13 UTC
... M-maybe a walk, if you'd like. [Fresh air sounds nice.]


[Action] mikangirl December 11 2009, 01:45:04 UTC
Hmm. Let's make it a walk to somewhere, then. It's snowing up a storm outside. [Hesitates.] Give me a second.

[Totally going back inside for her coat ... and if Noel's not wearing hers she's come back with a second one for Noel.]


[Action] bullet_dance December 11 2009, 01:47:52 UTC
[lolz sorry Nami. She'll wait for a few moments before Nami returns. --A-aww. :( THAT'S SWEET OF YOU. She smiles a little.]

... Thank you.


[Action] mikangirl December 11 2009, 01:49:49 UTC
[No, it's practical of her, despite the fact it would take all of six seconds to divert long enough to Noel's to get her own coat. |D But Noel looks like she wants to go out now so Nami is all for shaving those six seconds off.]

You're welcome. Shall we head to the square. We can take it slow and talk on the way, and then warm up with some cocoa or something.


[Action] bullet_dance December 11 2009, 01:53:06 UTC
Th-that sounds fine.

[Lead the way, dear.]


[Action] mikangirl December 11 2009, 01:57:16 UTC
[To the outside world! And Nami will wait until they're in the relative privacy of the ...uh, veritable blizzard outside ... to ask.]

Okay. What did he do?


[Action] bullet_dance December 11 2009, 01:59:51 UTC
... He's terrible.


[Action] mikangirl December 11 2009, 02:06:48 UTC
[Ah, gratification. You will be so short-lived, won't you? But for Noel to do such a 180 turnaround on Jin (hoho) something horrible must have happened. Surreptitiously checking Noel for bruising and missing limbs. Because she totally wouldn't have noticed those already.]

What did he do?


[Action] bullet_dance December 11 2009, 02:12:56 UTC
[Yeah. Noel's not putting two and two together just yet. She's just so... ugh.]

He did something terrible to Major Kisaragi's family, and then acted like there was nothing wrong with it.

Ragna's... he was... he's awful. He was just deceiving me this whole time.


[Action] 1/3 mikangirl December 11 2009, 02:20:31 UTC
[He did something terrible to his own family? God, the guy is more of a psychopath than she--]


[Action] 2/3 mikangirl December 11 2009, 02:21:42 UTC
[...she is talking about--wait.]


[Action] mikangirl December 11 2009, 02:23:46 UTC


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