Rebel // 55 [Action] Backdated yesterday; Christmas day.

Dec 26, 2010 05:07


Another year gone by. Six years... or maybe not, thanks to how screwed up Luceti's time is. Regardless of time, however, a day's a day--and today was Noel's birthday. Or to be more specific, Noel was discovered six years ago on this day. Though her foster parents decided to make this day the time to celebrate her birthday because no one knew what the real day was, well... they probably weren't too far off the mark.

Needless to say, Noel doesn't exactly feel like celebrating anything that has to do with... that. Not right now. Perhaps not ever. After all, it's not really a... birthday, is it?

On the other hand, something else happens on this day, and that something is Christmas. Rather than dwell, Noel has been trying to take her mind off of things in favor for the spirit of the holiday. ...And of course, this means Noel went out and got gifts. She did her best, though it's rather clear she was having trouble being creative. Either way, she'll stop by just to drop off something by the door. Maybe your character will catch her, or... maybe they'll just see the gift and go, "d'aww" or stare on in sheer horror. Either way.]

Ragna: A handmade red sweater. Yes, sewn by hand. NOEL'S HANDS. It's an idea she's had (and worked on) for over a month. After a bunch of trips to the library and pricked fingers, (thank goodness for gloves to cover these things) Noel will never touch another needle... maybe.

Too bad one of the sleeves might be in the wrong place. And maybe it's too big; after all, someone never bothered to ask for measurements.

Flynn: If there's one thing about Flynn that they share in common with, it's that they both express an interest in the culinary arts. Flynn gets a recipe book. You're welcome, Vesperia house.

Tsubaki: Maybe that trip to the mountains was a nice holiday miracle, but Noel's very much aware of Tsubaki's sweeth tooth, so... Noel made a small cake for one person: namely, Tsubaki. It's made with love.

Litchi: A green kimono. No, not a Chinese dress; a kimono. ...that's overgrown because Noel really did think it was the right size.

Adell: Adell gets clothing as well; not just any clothing, but boots. Leather boots. Boots made for ass kicking.

Rachel: why is she giving rachel a gift Aware of the rose garden Rachel was making, Noel decided to be helpful by giving Rachel roses, but...

Taokaka: She mixed up her gift with Tao; now Tao gets the roses and Rachel... gets catnip. Sorry, Rachel.

Nami: Nami gets something simple but sweet this year; a friendship bracelet.

Sanji: Sanji's getting more cooking-ware. Not sure how much he really needs, but there's never enough cooking-ware. Never.

Luffy: A pound of beef jerky. It works, right? Luffy likes meat.

Ted: Ted gets cookies... store-bought cookies. The decorated, Christmasy kind.

Kurt: A watch; not a cheap one, mind you. ...then again, nothing's really too cheap or too expensive here anymore.

Usopp: A pair of snazzy-looking goggles.

Brook: A small, green chest... filled to the brim with tea bags of different kinds.

Chopper: A big bag of candy.

christmas omg, bawww

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