Rebel // 50 [Action] THE NIGHTMARE FROM HELL.

Nov 20, 2010 23:25

[It was strange waking up on the cold, wet ground that morning. Was it really morning? Her surroundings were dark, and even in her position she could tell that this wasn't her bedroom. She slowly sits up, immediately feeling uneasy about this strange new place; and not just that, she felt so weird this morning. And when Noel looked at her bare feet, and to her own hands to see those blue nails, and finally the familiar cloak; a similar one she had been forced to wear months ago, Noel could feel her stomach sink in anxiety. This wasn't right. Was she dreaming? And also, why was her perception so... off, even in the darkness?

It wasn't just what she was seeing, but Noel felt different. She felt sick, as indicated by her sudden need to cough, her body shuddering over something Noel didn't know, though it felt so... empowering.] W-Where...?

[At the very least, her voice sounded alright. But her hands and feet, her clothes... all of this was nerve-wracking and weird and frightening, but at the same time so very familiar. She had to get out of this place, but when she tried to get up, she found that her legs were too weak and collapsed back on her knees.] Huh!? W-Why... why is this happening? Why am I...?

[She shuts her eyes again, that horrible feeling quickly returning. ... Someone needs a mirror, or something. :|]

[...Now. It's later in the afternoon, and after her horrible run in with Yuber, as well as a terrible chance meeting with a certain someone else when she managed to get the heck out of there, one will probably see Nu breaking out of House 48 in nothing but her bodysuit, in the cold, and through the plaza in hysterics. THIS ISN'T RIGHT. Despite the circumstances, Noel is. NOT. Nu.

But with no clue on what to do, no idea where her body went to, and freaking out because of what's she become, all she can do is run blindly across the village with no destination in mind. This? This is terrifying. and she's cold sob]

[ooc: Most tags are gonna be from nugoesmoo. \o/

ALSO: Chronologically, Yuber's thread is first and Litchi's is second. Besides that, everything's free game.]

!adell, !ragna, !sanji, !nami, !rachel, event, !litchi, !taokaka, !kida, !yuber

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