Aug 03, 2005 22:07
Ok...up date time.....
Yesterday:I went to tennesee with Jay we went to tha mall and went in hot topic.We were gonna go to Olive Garden but it was packed..So we went riden around for a minute!!Then he's like where do u wanna eat i said i dont know and that kept goin on 4 like 20 minutes and then i was like we will rock paper scissors 4 it he said ok...then I WON!!he kept sayin "DAMN IT DAMNIT THAT SHIT AINT FAIR!" he picked ihop and we got there and he was readin his menu and it shut on him and he was like "MOTHER FUCKER" and these old ppl were sittin beside us and they looked over at us and he said oops!!then we came back home and i got on here and laid down!!
Today:Tha yard stunk really bad and we went through tha yard and my dog *-Juda-* Died in my yard!!And Jay and daddy had to take him off it made me sad =( !!Then we went to tha store i saw **-Chase he didnt even know who i was!!=( !!but oh well!!lOl!!!well imma go talk to *-Trevor lOl!!
R.I.P *-Juda Wagner*- I'll miss u!!=)