I realize it's the internet.

Apr 03, 2008 20:33

But fucking stop America-bashing, you fucking bigots. Seriously. Criticize our government all you want, discuss with us our problems, but don't forget we're all human fucking beings just like you. We eat, drink, sleep, excrete, and fuck. We learn, we work, we have families, we get old and we die.

Same goes for all you Americans who think our country is better than everyone else's. It isn't. Maybe you like it best because it's home and that's fine. Just tell me why "we" are more important than "them."

I actually had to ask someone that yesterday. I was so angry. This woman was talking about Chinese "taking our jobs away" and I said "they need to make a living just like you and me." She said "yeah, but American jobs..." and trailed off, muttering.

Oh, fuck you, lady. Fuck you right in the ear. I am not even going to bother getting into the concepts of global economy and competition etc. because it's all beside the point. It's all completely irrelevant and I don't give a shit. This woman has made plenty of racist comments and is constantly talking out her ass about politics and she's just a complete idiot. I feel sorry for her, but at the same time, I almost lost my temper and went off on her. I had to excuse myself halfway through my lunch break and just go take a walk.

One of the worst instances I can think of was on 9/11 - not to be one of those people that constantly hounds on that date, I mean it was six years ago, get over it already, but this is just an example from my memory. But someone in my dorm wanted to nuke Afghanistan and kill all their women and children "because they killed ours." I don't think anything in that whole horrible, terrible week made me cry harder than that. The guy was from NYC and one of his family members was missing at the time. He was near tears himself when he said it and I was arguing with him and it was fucking terrible. I felt sorry for everyone, everyone, on the whole fucking planet and it physically hurt.

You know what the guy on that muppet movie said: peoples is peoples.

Geographic location doesn't change that fact and it never will.


I'm gonna go sulk for a while. I LOVE you, f-list, because you aren't assholes. Thank you for not being assholes.

human nature, stupid

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