No cut. Suck it. It's called revenge for you not cutting. LOL. That made eljay sound emo.

Mar 11, 2006 19:08

Type your cut contents here.69 odd Questions

1) Are your parents married or divorced? marriiied.. 25 years next year =) my mom wants to renew their vows which means LAVENDER BRIDESMADE DRESS.

2) Vegetarian? like duuurr.. all the coool kids do it.

3)Do you believe in Heaven? reincarnation alll the waaaaaaaaay

4)Come close to dying? er. Well I say "i died!" all the time...

5) What jewelry do you wear? noooners

6) Are you eating? just had risotto

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? mmmmmmmmmm yes.

8) Makeup? lotsthankyou.*orgasm*

9) Were you the dumper or the dumpee in your past relationship? in my last relationship it was mutual.. we had no choice

10) Would you ever have plastic surgery? noope

11) What do you wear to bed? pppjjjjjjjjjjjs.

12) Have you ever done anything illegal? haha it's called last night.

13) Can you roll your tongue? mhhm

15) What kind of watch(es)? er. i wore watches in grade 6.

16) Abortion? eerm? what? i mean, what kind of question is this.. its just like "chicken?"

17) Hair color? blonde/brownroots/green/pinks

18) Future child's name(s)? Jakob Danger, Tre Cool, Max Power

19) Do you snore? like satan (or so i've been told)

20) If you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go? back to cali

21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? kathleen and i've re-welcomed tabitha to my bedside

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first? run around naked because people with oodles of money can.

23) Gold or silver? silver

24) Hamburger or hot dog? tofuownsyoursoul.

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? your mom?

27) What was the last thing you touched? the keyboard

28) Where do you eat? EVERYWHERE.

29) When's the last time you cried? the day before last, i was tres stresssed

30) Have u read any blogs from the person who sent this first? oui

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? it's really not that hard seeing as most boys wear girl jeans and band t's.. and i live out of band t's and girl jeans

32) Ever been involved with the police? we know each other on a first name basis.. ;)

33) Have you ever got into a fist fight? when i was six

34) Current Crush? no comment

35) Beach or pool? beach!

36) Can you cross your eyes? haha no

37) What's your favorite song at the moment? what did i do?! by the soviettes... my theme song

38) Window seat or aisle? window

39) Ever met any famous bands/singers? er.  Dustin Hook and the rest of MAH, the lead singer of A Night's Glory sang to me and rubbed my hair, I was drunk and talked to the bassist of Nothing to Hide who are going on Warped this year (so I hear)

40) Do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship? HAH.

41)Do you cut up your spaghetti or twirl it? twirl

42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? Oprah

43) Basketball or Football? yuck

44) How long does your shower lasts? 10-15

45) Do you drive a stick? nerp

46) Cake or ice cream? icecream cake

47) Self-conscious? not lately

48) What time do you get up? 7:30.. who needs showers?

49) Have you ever given money to a bum? and i bought him food =)

50) Are you gay? why yes I am quite happy

51) Where do you wish you were? Disney Land

52) Have you ever broken someone's heart? I hope..

53) Have you ever rode in an ambulance? yep.. it's not as fun as it seems 788 0185

54) Ever gone skinny dipping? haha yeah

55) Last gift you received? the sub that Gaby bought me

56) Last sport you played? er...

57). Things you spend a lot of money on? food.

58) Do you know the muffin man? I heard he's a child molester

59) High School you attend(ed)/are going to attend? Westwood

60) Last wedding attended? My cousins

61) Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Time = Buddha

62) Where do you work? Dq

63) Can you cook? hahahahahhahahaha. no

64) Most hated food:

65) Can you sing? haha only in tune when kareoking with drunk neighbors..

66) What was the last text u received? er.... i don't have a ceelll

67) what was the last piece of mail you opened? my tax forms

68) Where did 68 go? he ate nine

69) Do you talk in your sleep? apparently
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