(no subject)

Jun 03, 2006 12:48

Why does Microsoft Word superscript or subscript the entire chain of letters if you try to insert superscript/subscript between normal letters?

Why can't they stop trying to "guess" what people want to do and give users more control over the effects of their writing? If I want to switch to subscript, I want my cursor to produce subscript, but that does NOT mean that I want the rest of the letters around my cursor to become subscript as well. If I wanted the latter to happen, I would have highlighted them and then applied subscript.

By the way, for all my readers: The reason it seems that I rant a lot and seem to be dissatisfied with so many things is that there are many little things about life that, in the absence of an easily accessible online journal, few other people would know my opinions on. I don't go around spouting my opinions to people gratuitously. However, given a medium for spouting my opinions gratuitously--one on which I feel that I can be more frank with life without being intrusive onto other people, and which is very easily accessible and which I can very quickly post to--I say more of what's on my mind. Thus, y'all get a better picture of who I am personally (no guarantees of accuracy, of course).


[FFAR] Imagine holding a crystal ball in your hand and flinging it at your enemies--except you can still control it as it's been flung, and then you pull it back as if it were attached to some kind of elastic string and then you catch it. Not very useful defensively, but can provide a nice ranged attack. So I've decided to change Meredith's weapon repertoire. Instead of wielding spears, and going along with the whole psychic abilities idea, she'll not only have the unique-command Psychic, but her weapons will likely be a broader range of items. Her most powerful weapon will be a crystal ball, used in the manner described above.

final fantasy: alternate reality, explanation

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