(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 00:29

Remember General Leo's Shock command in FFVI?

Now, who should get that attack? Zell? Jenna? Andrew (whose presence in the game isn't even sure yet)? Steph? Erin? Nicole? Jareth? Rohan?

Oh wait, I made it a command skill for the alchemist. Hmm...I can always make it a command skill for more than just one character...

I'll make the following information public now:

Character_name; character_class; weapon_type(s); {non-comprehensive sampling of the character's skills (not including the Magic command, based on how much work I've done on that character's skillset}

Glenn; red/blue mage; staff; Rage, Lore, Cover?, Bide, X-Magic, Summon
Meredith; psychic; spear; Psychic
Chris; bard; bow+arrows; Sing
Erica; samurai; katana <-- I'm considering whether to keep this character, but I am leaning toward keep
Marc; archer; bow+arrows; X-Fight, Aim(Aim:Hands, Aim:Legs,...?)
Matt; brawler; gloves
George; jester; saber?; Juggle
Jareth; dragoon; spear; Jump, Fly?
Daniela; alchemist?; Mix?, Blast; Converge Ray; Ray Splash; Force Shot; Grand Shock
Estellus; wizard; staff
Jenna; magic knight; straightsword; Magic Sword(elements), Rune, LifeSword
Christie; summoner; shortsword; Summon(creatures)
Rohan; wizard; staff
Lauren; white mage; staff; Prayer?
Sarah; dark mage; ?
Zell; knight; broadsword; Grand Shock?
Erin; mage warrior; broadsword; Spire, Combo, Summon
Jessica; ?; ?, Combo
Steph; athlete?; ?; ?, Combo, Khorkina
Buster; gambler; ?; Slot, Dice, Cards, Roulette
Cristina; captain; saber; Speed Attack, Shinespark, Sky Attack
Cid; engineer/professor; ?; Examine(Equipment, Vital Stats, Battle Stats, Skills)
Nicole; sorceror; staff
Sam; mimic; ?; Mimic(Mimic, Mimic Ally, Mimic Enemy)
Andrew; red "master" (like an advanced red mage); broadsword; X-Magic (=> X-Command), Grand Shock?
Ginger; ninja; whip; Dart(Item, Coins), Sneak(Steal, Mug (later)), Scroll
Sara; ?; straightsword; Technique

Rage: pretty much the same thing as FFVII's limit break; as damage piles up, a "rage bar" will fill, and when it's filled completely, you get to use an especially powerful physical attack (but there's only one to choose from), and it's targettable
Lore: identical in idea to blue magic
Cover: take physical attack damage for specified ally/allies, and/or for low-HP allies
Bide: sits and takes damage for several turns, then pays back 2x damage dealt to corresponding targets
X-Magic: 2 spells in a row
Psychic: skills by which the algorithm automatically chooses the lower defense score (physical or special) of the target
Sing: can sing various songs that generally have status-changing effects; if damage is dealt, it ignores defense
X-Fight: four attacks in a row
Aim: an idea derived from FFTA; Aim:Hands prevents physical attacks by the target and Aim:Legs prevents movement by the target; might not work on all targets
Juggle: don't know yet
Jump: jump high up into the sky this term (and avoid damage until return), and dive down onto a single target the next turn dealing physical defense-piercing 2x what damage would be dealt if it were a normal physical attack
Mix: based on FFV's !Mix, ability to mix various items (such as a Tonic and a Potion) to create more interesting items
Blast: same as SMRPG "Blast"
Converge Ray: little rays converge radially onto a target, then explode on the target simultaneously
Ray Splash: some cross between targetted attacking and Neon Tiger's Ray Splasher and Cave Story's 3rd-level Bubbler
Force Shot: a charged shot, a la Geno's attacks in SMRPG, modeled on Barret's first limit break
Grand Shock: FFVI Leo's Shock skill
Magic Sword (or Elem. Sword): adds magical element to sword (algorithm not created yet)
Rune: absorbs, as MP, half the MP used to cast the previous spell; can only absorb certain magic spells
LifeSword: basically equivalent to FFIV's Darkwave, but just not dark-elemental (and maybe less draining)
Summon: summons, likely in classic style (e.g. FFIV), a creature to do an attack. I want to make this more interesting than just a single spammable attack, so there needs to be some way to accumulate "summon experience"--and I don't want to make it based on spell-spamming the way Secret of Mana does it. Note: some other characters may gain summons as well; they'll also likely get a battle menu "Summon" command for that but they don't count as "summoners" because they'll have like one summon each or so.
Prayer: an idea based on FFIV's Prayer command; free healing--at no cost, but a very small amount or something like that (haven't really come up with how it works yet)
Spire: leap into the air and then a vertical downward stab into the enemy
Combo: only available if all three Combo-skilled characters are in party and currently available to do an attack; does a combo attack with all three such characters (Erin, Jessica, Steph)
Khorkina: user attacks target in a straight line, blows through target and loops back onto target, multiple times as dependent on increasing accuracy of pressing a button (a la Mario's Super/Ultra Jump in SMRPG)
Slot: slot machine with different attacks for various combinations, possibly rigged (a la FFVI)
Dice: rolls (1, 2, or 3?) dice and attack is somehow based on that
Cards: picks a card at random; number determines damage pattern (i.e. order, defense-respecting/piercing, etc.) and suit determines what pair of elements to randomly choose one from (each suit is assigned two elements)
Roulette: 9999 damage to any battling unit on screen, randomly chosen
Speed Attack: rushes at the target
Shinespark: only available after five uses of the Speed Attack in that battle (without KO or status affected in between); a more powerful version of the Speed Attack; can hit multiple enemies on a ray
Sky Attack: not sure yet, but some attack where the attacker comes flying in
Examine: get to know various properties of the target
Mimic: copies last attack used; Mimic (any) copies whatever attack was last used (and targets the performing enemy if the attack was an enemy attack); as character levels up, Mimic ally and Mimic enemy are gained and they are more specific
X-Command: any two moves in one turn (be they spells, physical attacks, item usage, etc.)
Dart: darting item is basically throwing it as a dart, and is possible for knife-/sword-like items; darting coins deals a fixed defense-ignoring amount of damage per unit money spent (don't yet know how to specify amount spent)
Sneak: attempts to Steal an item from target; a more experienced character will also have Mug which simultaneously attemps to steal and deals a regular attack
Scroll: uses (uses up) a scroll to do a ninja magic attack
Technique: user of this skill learns techniques upon the defeat of various creatures who use such techniques; these techniques will likely be inspired by, made to reference to, and draw their names from Mega Man series robot master weapons

final fantasy: alternate reality

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