
Jan 15, 2006 10:44

1. I find that Paul Bremer is starting to remind me of General Leo of Final Fantasy VI. He is loyal, but he also recognizes the faults of the administration. He's so loyal, in fact, that he's willing to lie (and cover his own true thoughts) in front of the public but he actually understood what was going on. Let's just hope that Dubya doesn't do something "Imperial" like getting Bremer assassinated or something like that.

2. That new Iranian president is truly crazy. I mean, I can somewhat understand how he'd dislike American popular music, but...outlawing the broadcasting of classical music? That's just undeniably crazed.

3. Yesterday it was in the 50s Fahrenheit. Well, I didn't look at a thermometer, but it was warm enough for me to be outside and comfortable in two layers of clothing and no jacket. Well, guess what? Last night dropped several inches of snow on South Windsor (I'm sorry, I'm not back for IAP yet, and I'm blaming it on my parents saying that I don't yet have anything "useful" to do back there) and copious amounts of wind. It's still blowing a little, but the snow shows no signs of melting, telling me it's below freezing now. Whee. About deltaT = -30 degF in one night. (Oh yeah, and it was raining profusely before snowing profusely.)

4. My opinion on Alito: No. Reason: I cannot support a neoconservative justice who (1) looks at the Constitution (which was built to check the powers of branches of government) and can favor broad, concentrated presidential powers, and (2) who cannot reasonably explain why he put a bigotry group on his resume (and even if he could, he'd better tell me honestly that he doesn't hold those views anymore, or else I would trust him for whole ton of different things, not to mention Supreme Court Justice).


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