(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 15:38

It's been a long time since I updated. I've just been too lazy :p

The health problem I was worried about before did turn out to be nothing (at least so far), so I'm not worrying about that anymore. Money problems are what's getting me down at the moment. I started back at work again three weeks ago, but I've so much stuff to pay for (dental bills, other medical bills, birthday presents and passport renewal fees), that I'm totally broke. It sucks not only because I can't spend money on myself for awhile, but that I can't save up cash for Japan. And work's been slim on the hours lately, so there's hardly any money coming in either. -_-

Anyway Rachel came back from the States a few weeks ago and she gave me a shopping bag filled to the brim with junk food. I'm still going through it :D I'm eating pop tarts at the moment, and holy shit they are ridiculous. I ate two once and nearly threw them up, and last time I ate one I got a headache from all the sugar. I did also get these flavoured hot chocolates, but it's summer here.

Also she went away to Turkey last week. I won't see my sister for a whole year. I probably shouldn't have decided to work that day, because I didn't realise until the moment I said goodbye to her how upset I'd be. Basically I spent the whole day not talking to anyone and trying not to blubber. Until my supervisor asked me what was wrong, and I did start blubbering. That was kinda embarrassing actually. I did feel better much later, and when I got home I realised she left most of her awesome clothes behind. ^-^

It's Dale's birthday today, and there was supposed to be a dinner outing but that got cancelled. :( I got her a cookbook, pearl earrings, and some expensive chocolates.
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