crazy week with some crazy people

Nov 22, 2004 21:30

well its been a while so i guess ill start with friday...

so yeah. no school cause of the matanah so we all hung out in the chorus room. it was fun but completley uneventful. the ausience sucked and we all just did our part and shlept. then after the bell rung at 2:15 the core cast kids went to paige's. it was insane fun. we waited till everyone got there and then played capture the flag. it was crazy. i did so much running ans was soooo sneaky :)then we ate a wonderful meal made by the amazing Penny (Pagie's mom) and played another round of madd capture the flag. we left for the scholl at 6:00ish and did our show which was kool and then some of us went to chinese food. i got home at like midnight and fell asleep after watching some late nite tv.

saturday i drove from 10-12 and went to dunkin donuts. got home and slept till 5 which was call.the show went GREAT. the audience had sooo much energy and we did the bows and yeah it rocked. then we striked. it was sad seeing the set be torn apart but my and lizzie had to clean the auditorium and that was fun. we went up and down each row dancing and looking for trash. ha. after we finished i helped clean mamma and dave's office cause they did so much. then at midnight we ate breakfast in the cafeteria and it was a good closing to a good show. after we left the school and went to the kraus' for the cast party, it fuckin rocked. there guest house was where it was and it was huge. there was so much pizza and mountain dew! me ashley and cassie claimed a bed a ton of the people went in the room and we all shared "sex, porn, and alchol" stroies till like 3 in the moring. then some people went to bed and others went to join the rest of the cast. i went out until around 6ish int he morning. me and grace climbed into bed and slept till around 8. when we got up we ate and watched a movies with pat and shay till we left at 1. went back to the school and striked till 4. that sucked and was boring as hell if hell si boring. then me shay and dave p went to dunkin donuts and talked over cofee for an hour. it was nice. city coffee house nice. well anyway i got home at 5:30 and went to bed.

today i went to school which sucked. i was so bored and tired. after the show me and cassie went to lunch. we came back to my house and watched moulin rouge and snuggled. it was comfy. lol. then at 7 we went to try out for the crucible ant the winni playhouse. i think i did good. i was loud and all. on the ride home me and cassie had a good conversation. she dropped me off and i talked with my mom for a bit and got on the computer.

now im on IM and talking with shay. i think she's my new best friend, lol. we're talking about love and relationships and she's knows everything. shay your my hero.

well im out. g'nite ya'll.

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