По израильским источникам у них "видимо" были Центурионы, но это наверно кто-то визуально обознался, это в принципе с Виккерсом перепутать несложно. Из зениток указаны 40-мм L/70, у артиллеристов 7 155-мм САУ, а у противотанкистов ПТУР "Виджилант". Но если они там в википедии с кувейтского министерства обороны списывали, то там по идее должны лучше знать. Если только те, кто писали, и те, кто знали, пересекались.
По израильским источникам они начали движение 17 октября и прибыли уже после прекращения огня, а об участии в малой "войне на истощение", которая шла до 31 мая 1974, ничего не сказано.
kuwait participated in the war with a single mechanized "Liwa-mujahfal" (brigadized group), it was called the Al-Jahra force, it composed of roughly 3,000 men in a tank battalion equipped with Vickers MBT tanks, an infantry battalion, two arty companies, one with Auf1 155mm SPGs and the other with 122mm guns (uncertain of type), a single air-defense company with 270 personnel, a mughaweer (commando) company, an AT company with carl-gustav rifles, several pioneer and medical field units
they were equipped with daimler ferrets, alvis saladins, alvis saracens, vickers MBTs, and numerous other vehicles
kuwait participated in the war with a single mechanized "Liwa-mujahfal" (brigadized group), it was called the Al-Jahra force, it composed of roughly 3,000 men in a tank battalion equipped with Vickers MBT tanks, an infantry battalion, two arty companies, one with Auf1 155mm SPGs and the other with 122mm guns (uncertain of type), a single air-defense company with 270 personnel, a mughaweer (commando) company, an AT company with carl-gustav rifles, several pioneer and medical field units
they were equipped with daimler ferrets, alvis saladins, alvis saracens, vickers MBTs, and numerous other vehicles
I can't find any decent source on their participation and battles, but they suffered 37 killed in the war, and remained in the theater until 1974, when they were called back.http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?240555-Cold-war-era-Arab-middle-eastern-Army-
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