Jun 24, 2006 22:33
Shit man this Summer is most morose and tiresome, mayhaps the results will be fruitful.
For first, my mornings involve waking up at 5 o'clock. Form there I arrive at the jobsite for work. My first week was badass all we did was sleep and play games. But then OSHA finished investigating the work our comp[any was doing. Since then we work Monday-Saturday usually 10 hours a day. We currently are situated at the Hilton Hotel by the expressway and furnish the AC units to be tested for mold and try to improve on their decrepid methods of construction while putting up with pompous patrons of the Hotel, they constantly demean us for looking dirty, and smelling of sweat and ardour, either way if it werent for out fervent labour, they too would smell as we do.
After that week I imprssed them with my quick learning, bilingualityismness, handwritiing(wtf I write very ugly), and my strong work ethic, and I have been promoted to Superviser, I now dont sweat as much, but I amble through 16 floors, floor-by-floor, everyday with clipboard and inspect the progress, making sure they are safe, and the process is being done properly. Sadly my heavy boots(6 pounds each)tire my knees and feet.
I have been reading plenty, on our slow days we simply wait for the clock to reach the time of our departure. I hate SHAKESPEAR he is simply too verbose, and too dry in his form of writing. I love Russian Literature, I have read Lolita and, now I want my own Lolita, Tolstoy's Anna Karenina was superb, and I am currently devouring Dostoyevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov", another true peice of art.
How is shit in the valley?