Jul 14, 2006 01:09
I called my house at about 10:20 tonight from mama shpengis. and as soon as my dad answered the phone I coiuld hear the terror in his voice. something was not right.
"I can't come right now! FIRE! were keeping it away from our house! FIRE!". I hung up the phone. so many emotions came over me at once. I felt like I was going to throw up. my knees went weak. I had trouble breathing, I started crying. I looked at cindy and patrick and told them I needed to go home now. My house could be on fire! when we went outside I could hear the sirens going off. I starting panicking even more. as we rounded the corner to the gravel pit I could see the hill my house was on ungulfed with huge orange flames. I starting freaking out even more. there were people pulled over along the streets looking at it, the black thick smoke in the night air. I ran so fast up my drive way. Iv never ran that fast in my life.
there were 7 trucks at least all over my yard. In the pasture. there were at least 20 men and women fighting the fire. It was the red shed. with the 4 garages. it wasnt our house. my family was safe. my animals were safe. I havent seen misty yet, but Im almost positive she is just fine. the fire devoured our whole garage. coming only meters away from our house. the side with all our bedrooms. if it was later and we were all sleeping. we would have burned to death. theres no doubt in my mind.
My uncle who lives down from us, thank god, was getting water and could see the glare of flames coming from his window. he called my grandparents. got our address, called the fire depertment. went to CRANBROOK!! he was talking so fast. yelling swearing. finally got it here. they were having trouble finding our drive way. coming up it. (my dad also called the fire depertment).my uncle had a key for the pasture lock at the bottom, and unlokced it. once again, thank god.so much happened. it all happened so fast. its now 1:22am. and It feels like its only been 10 mintues. Im in such shock still right now. we probably have easliy over $10.000 lost. all of our toys. and my dad thinks we have no insurance. but I dont care. it sucks of course. My dad worked so hard for all that. but I have my family and animals and we're safe. and my house is, and the storage, and the barn.
I slept 5 and a half hours last night. I was up at 6am. Its now 1:24 am. and Im supposed to be working at Denny's at 9 am tomorrow. I have greasy hair. Im so tired and drained, but so wide awake again. I just cant believe that its gone. we dont know how it started....some say jarrod. but who knows. I really hope it wasnt him. its the thought that we could all be dead right now.
I have such an empty feeling. Im scared its going to start again. I know it wont, they put it out good. and were here along time to make sure.