Jul 29, 2004 13:01
I went to San Marcos yesterday with Amanda, Jake, and Randy. I had a lot of fun. The main reason I had to go down there was to pay my tuition, BUT my bank is stupid and I couldn't get a cashier's check. So we just went to the outlet mall.
I went for some new shoes, Randy and Jake went for cheap girl pants, and Amanda went to have fun, I guess. We were down there for about 3 or 4 hours and the only thing we bought was 6lbs of fudge. Mmmm. It came out to be like almost $90, but the chick gave us 3lbs for free, so it was only like $46. I got banana nut and prailene, so I'm still chocolate free. Excpept for when Randy tried to shove chocolate in my mouth and it got on my teeth.
I stopped by Classic Tattoo in San Marcos to see if they could stretch my ear, since its impossible for me to get in myself, but their piercer was out because he was really sick. Then we went to eat at Mr. Natural. It was good, but made peoples' stomachs hurt. Then we went to True Blue to see if someone would use a taper on me, but everyone there refuses. I guess I will just have to look dumb with 2 different plugs.
I dropped Amanda and Jake off and got back to Randy's around 9:15 and we tried to watch All Night Long, but we were super tired. We went to bed and set an alarm for 12 so we could watch Case Closed, but we were still too tired to get up, so I just went home.
I got a girl at work to take my Saturday shift so now I can go to As I Lay Dying. Yay!
I gotta go finish getting ready so I can pick Randy up from school.