Mar 02, 2004 09:27
For all of you who do not know. I was currently admitted to Sturdy Hospital on Tuesday Feb. 24th, 2004. I had low platelets and low iron, and a high temp. of 109.3. The Hospital really sucks, and the food looked like something I had coughed up. I called my boss to tell him I had a temp. and would not be coming into work, and no he did not call me back. My friend Nikki told him that I was really sick, and still he did not call to see if i was ok. For four days I was in the Hospital where they took blood every day and night, so now my arm looks all messed up like I was shooting something in my arm. DJ was in there just about every day, and the first day he came in he was shacking really bad. I thought it was cute, knowing that he worries and cares about me. He also got a car from his mom, because the T-bird was in really bad shape. So, now he is driving around in a 1995 Gellant. I am back in school now, which sucks, and trying to get ready for Prom. The only thing that was good about being so sick, was that I lost like 5lbs from all the throwing up and all the medication I was given. My close friends called me to see how i was doing, and would come in and visit me, but other then that I got a lot of sleep, and a lot of blood work done, but now I'm ok. Just a little tired.