
Oct 23, 2010 02:56

...So I keep hearing that today's supposed to be important or something....But for the life of me, I can't see why...

...I'm kidding, dumbass...I'm not *that* much of a fucking bastard, believe it or not...So I did remember your damn birthday...In fact, since Rin chose not to do

Happy Birthday Kei~~!!

Enjoy your eye rape~~ I know you'll cherish it~~♥

[Screened to Kei]

Name a day...I'll take you out drinking...

...And now back to picking out whatever the fuck I'm going to use to fix the stairs in Keigo's eerie fall mansion...I was originally just going to use a hammer and some nails, but then he had to go and say something to make me want to try harder than that~~ So I'm currently thinking the blowtorch and buzzsaw, just to make him uneasy and give the new set of maids a good idea of what they'll regularly have to put up with~~

Edit: Made the birthday salutations a bit bigger juuuust in case our birthday boy or anyone else couldn't see it well enough~~ ...Plus Kouichi said it looked better this way~~♥

[OOC: I imagine if it hurt my eyes just in the process of making this post, it'll probably achieve the goal of irritating the hell out of Tanishi. As well as several others, since he's purposely not putting it behind a cut. >>; ...And this originally started out at 40pt. ...But Chinen being an annoying bastard, he changed it to 70pt. ...And then Aragaki convinced him to make it he changed it to 100pt. >>;]

repairs, keigo, fall mansion, kei, birthday

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