Kai Yuujirou
...I hereby require your presence for an informal meeting to converse over the situation involving, one, Hirakoba Rin....No, I'm afraid this is not an optional choice, but a mandatory one...And if you choose to ignore this notice much like you just ignored my phone call that I made a moment ago because I know you've got the fucking phone on you. You're just not answering it to try and piss me off, aren't you? I'm sad to say that I will be forced to take matters into my own hands...And I think you're already aware of what it's like when I'm getting irritable and choose to make someone do something I tell them to do...AKA I'm going to hunt you down and physically drag you over to your still current roommate so that you can talk out your stupid little disagreement together like adults...
...Of course, you could save us both some trouble and go and actually speak to him of your own free will yourself...However, since you're currently being a huge wuss right now, I'm going to figure that's not an option you wish to go with...
...Please get back to me soon please~~? ...Or don't and I'll just come and get you~~
...Ahem~~ With that little inner-family matter dealt with for the moment, time to think of other things and plans that are in the works~~ Which also happen to involve family, both biological and adopted~~ ...For starters, myself and my beloved otouto-kouhai came up with the brilliant idea of the old Higa gang gathering together for a weekend or just a few days once summer break starts and taking a trip to Kumamoto to beat the shit out of Shishigaku, since they hurt our baby bunny and we must defend his innocence for a bit of site-seeing and general rekindling of camaraderie between old friends who have become split up a bit due to Fate's work~~ Plus, there is also the need to celebrate our old friends back at Higa's win at the Kyuushuu Regionals~~ And to rub it in Shishigaku's face, because it's always fun to fuck with them~~! Tomoya would be joining us there personally, so we can all slap him on the back and tell him it was a job well done~~ ...They'll be going to Nationals...We should all be proud of them~~ For achieving what we haven't managed to achieve yet...And then we can all get piss-ass drunk together like old times, but not give Kouichi any, because he's still too young and innocent~~ ........Okay, okay~~ He can have some too this time~~ Kid's gotta be properly initiated at some point~~
...So I humbly request to hear the voices of all my Ryuukyuu-bred brethren to see if this idea is a "yay" or "nay" from everyone~~
...There's also plans for another trip of a larger scale that's being planned by my birth family currently~~ ...Kaa-san decided that she wants to finally make a trip back to my father's hometown after all these years....in Hawaii~~ ...We haven't been there since before my father died because it brought back too many memories for my mother that she didn't want to deal with...So she kept refusing my uncle's invitations. Which is why he and my cousins always came to see us in Okinawa instead...But this whole cancer situation seems to have changed my mother's outlooks on a lot of things and she's since decided life's too short to regret the choices you make and finally accepted my uncle's invitation~~ ...And what's even more awesome, is that my uncle owns a large bed & breakfast of sorts out on a former sugar plantation in Aiea, so he has more than enough room for a lot of people~~ ...Both he and my mother have already given me the go-ahead to bring anyone I wish along with us...I've already told Keigo and he'll be coming with us, but I would also love all my friends to come along also, if they wish~~ Whether you be from Higa originally or Hyoutei currently or just a friend I've made since coming to Tokyo~~ ....Or hell, you know what~~? I'm feeling good enough because of this that even if I hardly know you, you're welcome to come along~~ I'd rather everyone get a chance like this to have fun like I know we will be than to sit in Japan twiddling their thumbs and being fucking bored out of their skulls~~
...And yes, we'll be back before Nationals and there will also be tennis there for training for those worried about it~~
[OOC: What Chinen said. Anybody who wants to go to Hawaii is welcome to it. Atobe's jets shall be taking them there and back and they'll be staying on Chinen's uncle's ranch. I'll post further details about it in the events comm later on if enough characters end up tagging along. Though still don't know the date they're leaving, since I have to figure out when the Higa boys are getting back from their other mini-trip if that happens. >>]