Birthday plans and more family business...

Jun 26, 2010 22:04

Been a busy week~~ But an oddly pleasant one, all things considered...And I'm glad for that...Because I know it won't stay that way...But I'm trying to remain positive, since that's what Rin says I need to do...
Thanks for having me and my family out there last weekend, Kouichi...Kaa-san really enjoyed herself, and that's what I was hoping for the most out of the trip....And sorry about Etsuko~~ You know how she can get when she's around her beloved sempai~~ She's cute when she pouts at you though~~
...I would also like to note that there's something oddly surreal about watching a group of middle-aged women act like preteen girls....Last Sunday night when we got back from Chiba, Rosalyn-san decided to have a "slumber party" of sorts with Kaa-san and Kiseki-obaneesan, complete with junk food that they complained would go straight to their hips, and chick flicks from eras ago, like My Fair Lady, The Goodbye Girl, ...and Gone With the Wind~~ There was also an excessive amount of giggling being done on their part for a large majority of the night, as well as talk of the men they loved boys they liked, and just generally behaving like a bunch of silly 12-year-olds....All of this lead the males in the house, as well as the actual teen girls that were present, to question their mental stability a bit....but they were having fun, so I can't say I minded it...In fact...I was glad to see my mother that happy...It's actually been a long time since I last saw her act so...carefree for once~~ ...So the hostess has my many thanks for it...

My birthday is coming up here shortly, though. Yes, there will be a party, for those wondering...And on my actual birthday, June 29th. So I'm not shifting it to the weekend or another day at all, because I don't feel like it....And yes, it will be hosted at Keigo's place, for those bemoaning about it. I'll text out directions on Monday...And for those at Hyoutei who get confused over all his damn mansions, it's at the summer one...You know, the one with the extra large pool...And yes, for those of us who love the water, it'll be open for the party~~ ...But like all Atobe hosted events, it'll naturally be over-the-top to the point of probably being annoying to some including myself, so there shall be fireworks to appease everyone...Lots of them, in fact...And if it's one thing I've learned, it's that fireworks make everything better~~ IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE, THEN YOU'RE RETARDED!!! So you'll most likely be seeing me playing with them a lot during my own party~~
I'm looking forward to all of it and a number of things and gifts that'll come with this birthday, though...I already know both Rin and Keigo are plotting something interesting...What exactly, I'm not sure, but they both know me best, so I'm sure it'll be fun, whatever it is they choose for me~~ But this is birthday number 18 for me, so it's a big milestone with some fun perks to go along with it any way you look at it~~ In fact, I already know I'm gonna go out and buy myself some damn porn just because I can~~! So if anyone wants some, feel free to ask and I'll go and get you some, since I'm nice like that~~♥

As for the other main thing that comes with this birthday, you can already feel happy knowing I have full intentions to get my driver's license soon~~ Potentially within days of my birthday, since I've had the wonderful help of Rosalyn-san in learning how to drive properly~~ And when I do, I've already saved enough money up to get the vehicle I've longed for for a long time now:

I wasn't kidding about the big ass car that wastes fuel and looks like I'm compensating for something~~ Though I'm not, and both Keigo and Rin can tell you otherwise~~ And it's fucking purple~~! How fucking awesome is that~~?! So I'm looking forward to getting to test drive this bitch~~ ...Though as a word of warning, it might be best if people stay off the road while I'm driving and you've got a dinky little car...I won't feel guilty if I accidentally run you over because of it. It's not my fault you're tiny...
And yes, you're still getting first dibs on riding shotgun, Messiah-chan~~ Calm down, I know your anticipation is driving you crazy~~ And I already told Genichirou he can come along too, so you don't have to worry~~

...Also, for those who asked that I let them know, Kaa-san will be having her surgery finally on the 30th....She wanted to wait until after my birthday to do it...Apparently she was worried she wouldn't get to be there to celebrate it with me otherwise...And no, I don't intend to be at school at all that day...So enjoy the small break from seeing my face...

[OOC: Chinen's little sister, before she fell hopelessly in love with Tanishi's brother, actually had a crush on Aragaki, because when Chinen left for Tokyo after he and the others graduated, he asked Aragaki to look after her at school. She ended up growing rather attached to him because of it (though unlike the rest of her Higa nii-sans, she refers to him as "sempai" as a result), and still has a habit of blushing up a storm at times when around him. ^^ It should also be noted that Atobe's mother is a menace to society on the road (as Sanada already knows), so she's the last person you would want to teach anyone how to drive. So whatever hellish habits Chinen would've had on the road just because of him being himself are currently being made worse thanks to her. So be afraid. Be very afraid. ^^; ...Oh yeah, and please excuse my shoddy photoshopping abilities. I couldn't find a decent pic of a purple Hummer (and yet, there were plenty of pink ones), so I made one. >>;]

driver's license, surgery, birthday, awesome car of awesomeness, middle-aged slumber party, keigo, kouichi, kaa-san, rosalyn-san, family, rin, messiah-chan, etsuko

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