...Or what can be defined as "home" for the time being while I continue to reside in Tokyo....And after being in the considerably warmer by comparison New Orleans for a while, I return to find the place has gotten even colder since we originally left it....Not by any means as frigid as Hokkaido, but not exactly tame either....And it's windy...which just makes matters worse...It's because of such things that I'm glad I decided to get that kotatsu for my dorm room...And for other reasons as well, as I'm sure Rin understands all too well...
But I will admit...despite certain reservations about the place, I am glad to be back....I haven't been able to really do any true chemistry experimentation in these past three weeks and it will be good to have at least one competent teacher available to me again....Ueno-sensei admitted that he suffered from boredom without me...and my "blonde friend"...around in the lab constantly....I told him Rin would help me make up for lost time....He didn't seem quite as enthused about my return when I said that....Ah well, Sensei will have to get used to it...Rin will be hanging about even more than he did before, I'm sure...
The remaining time we had in New Orleans will stay in my memories for years to come, I'm sure....Well, if you forget the fact I was dragged all over the city by Rin, Kite, and Yuujirou like I had dreaded would happen...All in the name of shopping....I suppose at least they were happy about it, though....But just because I agreed to help carry Rin's bags doesn't mean I was volunteering to take everyone's bags. I'm not your damn pack mule...
But I was right about the supernatural side of the city....They all came out at night....And I was able to meet my voodoo priest....or priestess, rather....After a bit of searching and asking a few ancient spirits who spoke more French than English, I found a woman who was rumored to be the very descendent of Marie Laveau....She did not admit to any of these proclamations herself...however, she did not say they were wrong, either.....It didn't matter really....I could tell she was a powerful woman, nonetheless, and could've easily swept a stupid brat like me under the rug with any of the magic she had up her sleeves.......But...she apparently knew who my grandfather is...God, just how far and how many different places did the old man go in his travels....? And she gave me a large old book of spells written in some language I don't recognize which is to go to my grandfather...I can only hope he understands what language it's written in.....She also gave me an odd amulet-like item to keep for myself....She wouldn't tell me what it was, much like with the book, but she said it was something I would never have need for with my abilities....Considering that, I don't understand why she even gave it to me, but I took it anyway....Maybe Ojii-san can figure that out also...
It was also amusing watching Rin play his match against the Americans....While I would've preferred to have been there beside him, I was satisfied with just watching him put his opponents to shame....And I got a good laugh out of the school girl gossiping he was doing with the Rikkai megane about hair the entire time they were playing...Sometimes I swear he never gets tired of talking about hair....Though at least he now knows someone who's got the same kink as him...
...But coming here was worth all the trouble of dealing with people I hate, simply because I got to be with the people most important to me also.....I really don't think I shall be allowing myself to fall out of touch with any of them again....I really need to do a better job of keeping tabs on Yuujirou and the boss...Not just Rin.....And honestly, it should be the same for Tanishi, Aragaki, and Shiranui....Speaking of Aragaki, I should find out how the kid's been doing since we last paid a visit back home...
Now, I have the task of hunting down supplies for dying my hair back to it's original color....The purple has more than served it's purpose of making Rin all hot and bothered, so I no longer need it...And Rin already took a picture as a reminder of all the exciting memories it invokes~~ Rin says he wants to help with it...so I'm letting him....I really don't like it when others get near my hair. Especially when it comes to something like this....I made the woman who was responsible for turning it purple in the first place a terrified mess just because I didn't like her touching my hair......But it's okay if it's Rin....I trust him to know he won't do anything wrong...
It's also time to finish my plans for Hallowe'en....Or All Hallows' Eve as "my kind" prefer....While it is possibly my favorite time of the year, alongside Obon, and I always have fun with it....This year's going to be extra special for me....And hopefully a few others will be agreeing with me in due time....
[OOC: It's cold and obnoxiously windy here also. I hate the combination of cold + wind. D; Also, I'm gonna go with the idea that Rin didn't get his wish. Foreign ghosts are just as skittish of him, unfortunately, but that sets things up for something special Chinen is planning for Halloween night. :3 BTW, have fun playing with Chinen's hair, you dirty boy. Chinen's going to be making perverted comments throughout the entire process. >D And OMG, random! But I really wish we had a Tanishi. Higa is missing so much love without him about. ;__; ...And without Aragaki and Shiranui, but I've come to accept that they probably aren't going to get any love. Which is sad because they have so much doubles pair OTP potential and Chinen would love getting the chance to mess with Shiranui, since pretty much every Japanese Higa fansite I've found shows him getting freaked out by Chinen and I'd so abuse that. XD]