starstruck by you

Apr 27, 2013 15:15

b.a.p/secret ; starstruck by you
himchan/sunhwa ; pg ; 1596 words ; fan-meets-idol!au
her heart stammers in her chest and then she sees the angel. eh, himchan.

it doesn’t take her long to find the right door, all because she made sure to memorize the map of this place, she knows where the security cameras are, she knows which hallways she should avoid to not get caught and - who is she kidding. she just followed the sign that said “dressing rooms” and there are no security cameras for the idols’ privacy and most of all, she got lucky that the security guys were distracted by the food in the cafeteria.

sunhwa looks at the door in front of her, a white piece of paper stuck on it, bold black letters spelling the name of the one and only, most perfect group, with the most awesome boys, who have talents beyond -

“b.a.p, you’re on in ten minutes.”

her heart stammers in her chest and sunhwa barely has the time to step aside when the door is slammed open. she comes face to face with an angry looking man, manager kang her mind helpfully supplies, and she lets out a shaky laugh.

manager kang ignores her though, turning his back towards her as he steps outside the dressing room. “come on, hurry up. ten minutes. junhong, don’t forget your earpieces. daehyun, stop eating, you’ll get stomach cramps later. yongguk, get that game away from youngjae. how come you’re the only one listening to me, huh, jongup? stop looking in the mirror, him-”

“himchan,” sunhwa whispers dreamily. she doesn’t even see the way zelo is eyeing her warily, or the way jongup grabs daehyun’s arm and points at her, because all that matters at that moment is the blonde haired boy, making his way out of the dressing room and looking at her and talking to her and - “what?”

“hyung, who is this? is this the new stylist?” himchan looks between sunhwa and the manager and sunhwa pushes her glasses up her nose, cheeks turning a bright shade of red as she feels himchan’s eyes on her.

she doesn’t even register manager kang grabbing her arm, until she’s shaken around roughly.

“i asked, who are you?” manager kang asks harshly, shaking her some more.

“w-what?” sunhwa finally tears her eyes away from himchan (the most perfect man on earth, or more like an angel who is gracing the world with his presence, the angel who is loved by everyone, because he’s perfect and beautiful and kind and sweet) to see the angry face of manager kang right in front of her.

“are you the new stylist?”

“n-no. i’m sunhwa.”

manager kang sighs and glares at her. “unless sunhwa is some new kind of stylist or coordinator or simply a nickname for someone that works backstage in this building, i don’t think sunhwa is the right answer here.”

“b-but i’m - i mean -” sunhwa stops as she feels her arms moving involuntary and as she looks down, she realizes zelo is pulling the sign she’s holding. she pulls it back on impulse, which only makes zelo pull at it harder. she lets go as the sign cuts her hand and whimpers slightly, but still she finds her hand automatically following the sign (because she spent hours working on it, perfecting the text and the sparkles and colors and he still hasn’t seen it yet).

drops of red fall to the floor and sunhwa gasps as the pain registers, moving her injured hand back so she can cradle it to her chest.

“she’s a fan,” youngjae states, waving the sign in front of manager kang.

manager kang rubs a hand over his face and sighs. “these sasaeng fans…”

“i’m not a sasaeng fan,” sunhwa mumbles, pouting slightly. she feels tears prickling in the corner of her eyes and she bites her lip. this wasn’t how it was supposed to turn out. she was just trying to catch a glimpse of the boys backstage, of himchan, and ask for an autograph, but that’s it. she isn’t a sasaeng fan, she doesn’t stalk the boys wherever they go, and okay, she might have an external harddisk filled with pictures and stories and videos of the group, of himchan, but she isn’t a sasaeng fan! she doesn’t mean to do the boys any harm, she’s just a fan.

suddenly someone is holding her wrist, pulling at her arm slightly. she looks up and sees himchan looking at her questioningly, his head motioning to the dressing room. he pulls softly again and she staggers forward, eyes growing wide in surprise.

“come on, you’re ruining your shirt,” himchan says, pulling her inside the dressing room. once inside, he pushes her softly until the back of her legs are hitting the couch and once he’s sure she’s going to sit down, he turns around and rummages around a bag. he holds up a bottle of water and a towel, then moves to sit down on the table in front of sunhwa. “does it hurt?” he asks her as he gently cleans the wound.

she shakes her head, but then grimaces as the towel catches on some skin. he chuckles slightly and sunhwa’s sure she’s a very dark shade of red now. “t-thank you,” she mumbles after a couple of seconds.

“hmm.” himchan just smiles at her, before turning around slightly and it’s then that sunhwa notices the other members standing in the room. they’re all looking at the two of them, daehyun looking amused whereas yongguk is shaking his head and zelo is just raising his eyebrow.

“just so you know, we don’t normally treat sasaeng fans like this,” manager kang says as he walks into the room.

“i’m not a sasaeng fan,” sunhwa whispers.

“then how do you explain standing outside our dressing room? this floor is closed off for fans, you aren’t supposed to be here.”

sunhwa ducks her head, her hair falling in front of her eyes and she pulls her hand out of himchan’s grasp. “i just - i didn’t -” she takes a shaky breath. “i’m sorry,” she whispers eventually.

“it’s alright hyung! i don’t think she’s a sasaeng fan, she just made small mistake and won’t do it again, right?” sunhwa looks up as himchan pats her head, staring at him in surprise as he smiles brightly at her.

she nods shyly, cheeks turning even redder. “i really won’t do it again,” she says in a small voice, looking at the other members and manager kang.

manager kang gives her a hard look and then shakes his head. “alright, just this once. don’t let me see you here again.”

“b.a.p! you were supposed to be on stage five minutes ago!” a man comes walking into the room, holding up a clipboard and motioning frantically.

“sorry, we had a little issue,” manager kang says, ushering the man out of the dressing room. “we’ll be there in five minutes.”

“five minutes? but then our whole schedule will-”

“five minutes. we’re sorry, but - five minutes.”

the man walks out of the room and manager kang gives sunhwa a pointed look. “you’re causing us a lot of trouble, lady.” he waves away sunhwa’s apologies and sighs. “we’re going to get you out first, then you,” he points at the members, “are going to rush to the stage and apologize for being late, alright? especially you himchan.”

“yes sir.”

sunhwa stands up, straightening her skirt and starts walking towards the manager. just before walking out of the room, she turns towards the members. “i’m really sorry,” she says as she bows, “thank you for- i mean - b.a.p hwaiting!”

“sunhwa hwaiting too! please keep supporting us!” himchan half-yells, grinning brightly at her. he waves at her and once he realizes he’s the only one he scowls and jabs jongup in the back, until the boy starts waving too.

manager kang clears his throat and sunhwa quickly darts out of the room, a big smile on her face.

“did you get your autograph?”

sunhwa shakes her head as she reaches her friend, holding up her injured hand. “just a cut on my finger.”

“are you okay? i told you it was impossible to see the boys backstage, it’s not like you can just slip in and talk to them. besides, you don’t want to be known as their sasaeng fan.”

fighting back a smile, sunhwa holds the sign tighter. “yeah, you’re right.”

“i always am.” jieun links their arms and pulls sunhwa towards their seats. “but fortunately, we can watch the boys perform today. ah, i wonder what yongguk-oppa will be wearing today. i hope it’s the wife-beater, you know, the one that shows off his arms and -”

sunhwa lets jieun babble on as they get to their seats, a small smile playing on her lips. she traces the cut on her finger and sighs happily. if she closes her eyes, she can still feel himchan holding her hand, she can still hear his voice, she can see his beautiful face and -

she opens her eyes as jieun pokes her in the side, looking at her questioningly.

“off in dream world, are we? imagining you’re alone in a room with himchan maybe?” jieun giggles, pulling her friend close.

sunhwa opens her mouth, the truth almost slipping through her lips, but then she shakes her head. some things are meant to be a secret, jieun would probably yell at her and tell her how stupid she is. “yes, and now you interrupted my lovely daydream!”

“you’re completely starstruck, aren't you?” jieun asks amusedly.

sunhwa just laughs, tracing the small cut on her hand as her heart beats a little faster. “yeah, i think i am.”

a/n: i've been missing for months and this is my comeback. eh, i'm sorry? inspired by parade of lights - starstruck.

fandom: b.a.p., ♥ : himchan/sunhwa, fandom: secret, !fic

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