
Jan 12, 2006 20:27

I'm losing the will to type about stuff lately. Nothing that I find really noteworthy has happened, I'm getting lethargic from a complete lack of boozage. (just kidding the booze is stil here, I'm just cutting back). I've re-taken up pipe smoking (legal) and took a visit to this shithole called the Tinderbox here in town. Man if you ever want to feel out of place and be surrounded by store clerks with alcohol on their breath and cheap accents, that's theplace to be. I'm thinking about starting up writing again, maybe try and use some of that to help pay for grad school when I get around to re-applying. I feel stressed and 'busied' but nothing is happening, maybe i'm developing some sort of anxiety. if i think of something halfway interesting, I;ll be sure to post. Oh yeah, Death in June's Douglas Pearce recently agreed to let a record store here in town release his complete works when he was in the punk band Crisis on their label . I'm thinking about heading down there and getting a copy before it becomes non-existent, if i'm not too late already.
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