family_legacy info

Apr 20, 2010 21:28

Who is your character? Anthony Edward Stark -- Iron Man
Your name or handle? EK
Would you like to offer contact info? Have it
What side are they on? That depends
A small background on what you would like for your character, Add any general or public knowledge that characters might be aware of?. (This is combined movie and comic verses, and addition of mob verse)

Tony Stark is the son of Howard and Maria Stark, making him heir to the throne of Stark Industries. From an early age, Tony showed an aptitude for building, creating and science, and his high IQ rocketed him ahead in school. By the time he was 14, he was accepted to MIT where he met James Rhodes who became his friend for life.

Shortly after graduation, Tony's parents were killed in a car accident, leaving him with the company. Obediah Stane, his father's business partner, took over until Tony turned 21 and legally assumed the position of CEO. He had been working for the company off and on before, but now with Tony's genius, Stark Industries soared as a weapons manufacturer and Tony gained even more fame and fortune.

After a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan, Tony was injured during an ambush and captured by a faction of the terrorist group the Ten Rings and forced to build the Jericho missile that his company had just produced. In order to save himself from the potentially deadly injury, Tony built a miniaturized arc reactor and had it planted in his chest to power a magnet and keep shrapnel from entering his heart, something that could last a lot longer than a car battery. But he also used the reactor as a power source for a suit of armor he was building, and used it to escape the terrorists in the mountains.

When he returned home, three months after his capture, Tony announced that he wouldn't be making any more weapons. He had seen the under the table dealing his company had been doing, and had a radical change in perspective. Tony rebuilt his suit, making it better than the rough version in the cave.

It caught the attention of SHIELD, and Tony was recruited by Nick Fury, where he worked for several years fighting with the SHIELD forces, helping to outfit them with weapons and armament, and doing what he thought was the right thing. Tony built several new suits in the time, and had several upgrades, some of which have made him and the suit as one entity in more ways than one.

After a breakdown in the system, rebellion in the ranks and the disappearance of Nick Fury, Tony left SHIELD. He had worked out a compromise in his no-weapons policy, figuring out that he still needed the capital and contracts that it was bringing him. The time of being with SHIELD and the tragedies that came with it, left Tony as jaded and scarred as when he left the cave. He moved to New York more permanently, and seems to be apathetic concerning the underground activity going on there. As long as innocent by-standards stay innocent, he doesn't care as much, and he refuses to pick sides but just stay as neutral. If the need arises, if SHIELD begs him to do a job, he might consider breaking out the suit again. He's not retired yet.

verse: family, what: info

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