[65] bang bang

Aug 19, 2011 15:43

[action, all week]

[Oh, no. Dist is too jaded from Thanksgiving to drink anything the town encourages him to. And being droned? Not that bad; it seems to wear off daily just long enough to give him a chance to drink, and when he doesn't it puts him under again. He can risk it when he gets sick of the cycle, after all. His house is full of drones; he has no reason to protect them.

So, citizens of Mayfield, Saphir Neis is quite happily walking the streets, making pleasant conversation, and generally shooting at everyone and everything(knives are just so last year) with the pistols he acquired a few months ago. You might find him:

a: at the General Store, buying more bullets.

b: generally around town, in the park, in the library, going about his dronely duties.

c: for those with some CR, he may just drop by your house to have a nice personal chat! And to shoot you! After all, isn't that what friends are for?]

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