splendorocity app

Apr 13, 2011 16:15

Player Information:
Name: Egg
Journal: eggstasy
Method of Contact: AIM - quite eggcentric
Previous characters:
Takeshi Yamamoto - assassinmvp
Itsuki Kagawa - hadsomefreetime

Character Information:
Full Name: Michael J. Caboose
Series: Red vs. Blue
Canon point: Post Season 8
Age: h-huhhhhhh no clue. Probably in his early twenties I guess?
Species: Human

I do not have a human PB picked out for him yet, but I have a few prospective people and they are as follows:

KIDDING, I'M KIDDING. NO. If I do end up using a PB for him (in the rare occurrence that he actually takes off his helmet/armor which honestly would kind of destroy the illusion for me, so IDK if he ever will) it'll probably be Matt Barr.

Appearance upon arrival: AS SHOWN ABOVE. MINUS THE ASIANS.

Previous RP memories: NON
Bringing someone along?: NON
Character History: RvB Wikia

Bless his heart, but Caboose is most certainly mentally disabled. Heavily. He wasn't always that way; sure, he was kind of slow when he first showed up at Blood Gulch, but he could still grasp concepts like "sarcasm" and "cause and effect." Besides, being dim-witted was par the course for those assigned to Blood Gulch. Caboose fit in perfectly, being gullible but well-meaning, and while Church and Tucker didn't give a damn about him (admittedly they really didn't give much of a damn about anything beyond themselves anyway) the three members of the Blue team seemed to get along relatively well.

Unfortunately after Omega jumped into Caboose's brain and Church and Tex both hopped in there to yank him back out, Caboose slowly started to drift away from reality until he was certifiably stupid. Beyond stupid. He was special. He often drifts through conversations having no idea what's being said and agreeing to things when he has no idea what he's getting into. He was made to be ordered around, because if he's familiar with the person and they haven't tried to break him in the last week he'll most likely do what they say.

...well, unless they tell him to do something he doesn't want to. Like get near sick people or step on a glowing thing some guy called a "grav lift," whatever the hell that is. Caboose still has his self-preservation instincts, after all, and being hopelessly stupid doesn't make someone an automaton. Sometimes he'll even refuse to listen to Church. At first. Until Church insists and then he obeys him with great trepidation. Really, the best way to get Caboose to agree to something is to not explain it and say "everything will be fine." If someone can get Church or Tucker or Donut to promise everything will be fine, that's even better because half the time Caboose can't grasp the concept of lying, either.

Still, he's capable of retaining information and making deductions, so if people are talking over him like he's another chair or a very stupid dog in the room he'll occasionally process what's being said to the point where he actually understands it. Despite the topic being very convoluted and confusing as hell, Caboose somehow managed to piece together [SPOILERS] that Church is the Alpha AI and that all the other AIs are shards of the original personality. He also knew that [MOAR] Epsilon wasn't exactly Church, more like he was assuming his memory of Alpha's personality, but just ends up thinking of him as Church anyway because it's simpler.

Caboose, at his core, is a good kid who just wants to be useful. He's hopelessly confused 90% of the time, but his intentions are usually honest and in the right place. He doesn't do a whole lot without being told or prompted to do it, and spends a lot of his time just going with the flow and drifting along on other people's motivations, but now and then he'll take initiative and most often it isn't with the intent of causing trouble. ...it just usually ends up that way because he's a hopeless fuckup.

That isn't to say he's a saint. Caboose is fine with insulting people (especially Tucker), ignoring them when they're in danger (especially Tucker), blaming them for his endless teamkilling (Tucker did it it's always Tucker's fault) and sabotaging their friendships (especially Tucker's not-real friendship with Church). ...okay so maybe Caboose just doesn't like Tucker.

Sad thing is, the main reason Caboose doesn't like Tucker is because he views Tucker as a rival for Church's affection, whom he completely idolizes. For some reason or other, Caboose seems to be under the impression that he and Church are best friends. He's also completely aware of the fact that he worships Church, to the point where he's indignant when other people do that because HE WAS DOING IT FIRST /hipster glasses

Anyway to sum it up real quick it goes like this:
  • worships Church
  • really really really really stupid
  • well-meaning
  • team killer
  • removed from reality

Those are the essential parts anyway. Everything else is pretty much ad-libbed for the sake of hilarity.

Character Abilities:

Uh well, Caboose has on armor so technically he can fight, but mostly he sits on the sidelines because nobody wants to see Caboose doing anything kickass. Because he's Caboose. He has a vague knowledge of how to use a gun (point it at someone and pull the thingy) but only seems to be able to use it properly when he's killing a teammate. Specifically Church. TUCKER DID IT

His only redeeming quality is his abnormal strength. He can easily flip a jeep back onto its wheels and carry objects that none of the other characters could even lift. He's sort of a beast, but he has shit for military training (and whatever he did have is probably long gone in that black hole of a mind) so don't expect him to be of any use in a battle situation other than as a meat shield or a living tank.

Oh and a vehicle destroyer/befriender. Very complicated relationship he has with sentient weapons.


His armor, his MA5B assault rifle and...nothing else. That's it.

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