henry's gone home from work two days in a row. yesterday i walked into the office extraordinarily late and he wouldn't look at me. i thought: i ought not walk in here whenever i want like i own the place. a couple minutes after i sat down at my desk i heard him throwing up into his trashcan. he wasn't upset at my being late... he was sick! i
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Oh and don't go 10 days with nothing but lemonade and cayenne pepper! You'll waste away! Why not just stop the drinking/toxins for awhile, but KEEP the food? Or, if you have to drink, just drink clear alchohol only, which is supposed to be easier on your liver. i think tory was the one who told me that...
i don't know if this is the best time to be doing a cleanse or if i'll stick with it the whole time, but you needn't worry... i am far from wasting away these days. i've also been thinking about whether or not i need to do something like this... i eat pretty well, yadda, yadda, yadda, but i thought it might be interesting to try.
and about the whole cleanse thing...you are probably cleansed enough, being vegan and all. And with niilo to cook you good foods.
i love you and your doll face.
when are you coming over again?
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