Yes, I live, but I do not Sim, at least I have not actually played in weeks, and it's been even longer since I've actually made something. I believe I have slipped somewhat unintentionally into Sim retirement. I have been playing Sims 2 for hmmm 4 yrs now? And Sims 1 for a short period before that. I just find myself less interested in that form of gameplay and overwhelmed by keeping up with hacks, CC coming out made by other people, finding inspiration to make things myself, waiting ages for the game to load because I have no self control when it comes to downloading CC (I suspect a few on my friends list suffer this same malady), and frustrated by the endless bugs ands glitches and general weirdness of the game itself. I have found myself wanting to play a game that has no possibility for CC, so that I don't have to even deal with the issue lol (as well as feeling the urge to play more goal-oriented games). I have not been active on GoS the forum in some time, indeed I've not logged in for at least a few weeks now. I should at least edit the threads where I've uploaded things so that I get an e-mail when someone posts, in case someone has an issue or question. I do see the e-mails from of people downloading things, which pleases me to no end. I still spend a lot of time in GoS the chat, and I hope I am not a hypocrite for staying there even if I'm not really active on the forum or even actively playing the game lol. I've made some good friends there and I do still enjoy hearing about other people's games and seeing their screenshots (alien babbies FTW!).
Lately my gaming has taken a more RP-oriented turn, which is new territory for me. As chatgoers know, I have just finished playing Vampire: The Masquerade--Bloodlines and have just started my second time through it (first played as Toreador, now playing a Malkavian--have you boom-stick with my name on it?). During my first run-through (and still now, but a bit less so after finishing it lol) I was totally obsessed with the game, the concept, the entire world of it. So gorgeous, not only the graphics but the storytelling, the factions, the politics, everything. I am somewhat tempted to try to beg my way into the pen and paper V:tM RPG some friends of mine play, because I love it so much. In addition to the vampires, I along with
fleurdusang and
jamessunderland , have started a new steampunk/Victorian online roleplaying forum called
Hidden London (I'll edit this to add a link later, I don't have access to my bookmarks right now--more on that in a moment it only took me two days to get a damn link up). I invite you to check it out, we are just beginning and are very open to new folks joining as it's just the three of us right now. James and I are total newbies, Fleur is the patient teacher and expert in both RP and the time period. We're going for a relatively relaxed atmosphere, trying to keep things relatively accurate to the facts of the period but not getting anal about it. We've all created Sims of our characters, I think James and Fleur have uploaded their characters too but I haven't uploaded mine yet. This is not required of course but seemed a natural thing to do, plus I had great fun cluttering up my character's attic work area ;)
Another large development lately, in the offline world, is that I have a job. Some may be aware that I was laid off shortly after Thanksgiving (late November/early December for non-USians). Last Wednesday was my first day at work, I was unemployed for about 6 months. I am still adjusting to not being able to stay up till 2 am playing Bloodlines or Sims and chatting :P lol The pay is not great, it's not very close to home, and is somewhat unorganized, but I am enjoying the work for the most part and money is always good. I'm at work right now, which is why I can't link to the forum. Time to set up Google bookmarks!
I am debating setting up a new gaming and/or real life blog, possibly here although I know many are heading to Dreamwidth. I am lazy, I already know this, and I like the friends list :P and at least a few folks are still here (I think lol). Will post here when I have moved...