Partly for my own thought-organization (I kept writing that ogranization, which I guess is the process of becoming an ogre).
The only real hold up on the eyes is the swatches. Ha ha. I didn't like the first ones I did (the text got cut off at the bottom once it got in bodyshop) so as soon as I get that sorted I'll get them all uploaded here. I've got one I like now but I'm too lazy to do them all tonight LOL. I could have been really lazy and left the old E-Studio ones but I decided to modify it so in case someone wanted to have both sets they wouldn't have to rely on the tooltip (which is borked in CAS since two or three EPs ago). I'm so pleased at how the two-toned hazel came out I may try some other combos, dunno. If so that'll be a separate set, later.
Was going to upload an old set of rusty walls to
astray_sims but I realized that they are nowhere near seamless, although I was sure there were. Of course I made those at least one and possibly two graphics cards ago :P Oops. I tried to make them seamless earlier but wasn't happy with how they came out. Maybe I'll try something like that again at some point. Pixelhate has some lovely rusted walls but not exactly like those.
I finally got started on a big item for my Secret Santa person, still not very far into it but we've still got a bit of time :P I've got three small recolors already done that I'm rather pleased with.
And, not Sims related, but I suspect many on my f-list will enjoy this: