Shuffle shuffle shuffle

Nov 10, 2008 20:18

What the heck, this looks like fun and I don't think I've done this before. Swiped from gelydh  and aikea_guinea.

Put your music player on shuffle and press forward. Answer each question with the song that comes cheating!

How am I feeling today?
"Live and Let Die" - Paul McCartney


Will I get far in life?
"Never Coming Down Pt. 2" - Spacehog

Is that a yes?

How do my friends see me?
"Chant" - Sally Doherty

I'm repetitive and trilly?

Where will I get Married?
"Larkspur and Lazarus" - Current 93

In a field with a dead guy? Um.

What is my best friend's theme song?
"Hey You" - The Clarks

Gah I hope not O.O The song's about 9/11...

What is the story of my life?
"Feral Children" - Beth Orton

Hmmm... "feral children can fight for their lives, feral children hear what no one knows"

What is/was highschool like?
"Circles" - Meat Beat Manifesto

Hm. Not bad.

How can I get ahead in life?
"Don't Fade" - toad the wet sprocket

Well, that would make sense I suppose :P

What is the best thing about me?
"Another Step Away" - A Place to Bury Strangers

How is today going to be?
"Serial Thrilla" - The Prodigy


What is in store for this weekend?
"South of the Border" - Trailer Bride

Hm. "Pedro smiles every couple of miles, he's got mirrors on his ceiling" As far as the mood goes, I could dig that.

What song describes my parents?
"Wanderlust" - R.E.M.

Well, could describe my father anyway.

To describe my grandparents?
"Brick" - Ben Folds Five

Uh, no.

How is my life going?
"Blue Sky Mine" - Midnight Oil

Um could be.

What song will they play at my funeral?
"Coast to Coast" - The Jesus and Mary Chain

Actually, that could work.

How does the world see me?
"Brain Damage" - Pink Floyd


Will I have a happy life?
"Ten Thousand Leagues" - Corm

Why am I hitting so much crap I don't really know?! It's because I have too much crap I don't listen to on this thing. :P This is one of the many albums I have because I had to review them, but haven't really listened to it much since. Anyway.

What do my friends really think of me?
"Sense of Henry" - I Mother Earth


Do people secretly lust after me?
"Over It" - Matthew Sweet

Well, they used to, but they're over it now, I guess.

How can I make myself happy?
"City Screaming" - Concrete Blonde

Um NO I don't think that's right.

What should I do with my life?
"Brain Crack" - Tracy Bonham


Will I ever have children?
"Lay Down Sally" - Eric Clapton

I think that's a yes? :P

What is some good advice for me?
"Dark Start" - Coil

How will I be remembered?
"Just a Touch" - R.E.M.

"You set the pace of what was to come, I have to carry on now that you're gone"

What is my signature dancing song?
"Hello City" - Barenaked Ladies

I suppose you could swing dance to that...

What do I think my current theme song is?
"Vicarious" - Tool

O.O Ack.

What do other people think your current theme song is?
"It's a Lie" - Fictionplane

What type of men/women do you like?
"Indifference" - Pearl Jam

Actually, no, I like guys, def not indifferent there.

quiz, music, meme

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