March 8, 2021 repost

Sep 28, 2023 23:11

Studio and Storage needs rearranging
any volunteers?

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a little R.E.M. to motivate
Back data
Run three miles daily or walking
Reach up to your usual five miles before or after school every day in between
Followed by
Sit-ups or crunches or leg lifts on each side
Then begin push ups 10 each daily
If you cannot complete your lunges before or after each workout mention which side needs more stability
Then add weights slowly as directed
Never add weights below the core until the core is meeting the minimum 21 miles a week
Then after the team meets coach at the track on the monthly or every other monthly church
Meet and greet then we can pick a new team to add to our new swim or rowing team
At the erg seated junior novice big ten seed event but if there is no statistics kept
For the team seed we need to chart their daily rituals such as sleep
Eating daily weight regime before we can meet the Olympic marathon team for another five k or 3.5k or 13.2 mile zone target on Nike run for bikes to trade another bike for runner

orange crush

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