ever since first seeing walken dance his way through
the video for Fat Boy Slim's
Weapon of Choice it's been obvious to me that the song needed a mathematical
filking. thus, i present
Axiom of Choice
Don't be shocked by
Cohen's and
Gödel's voice
Check out my new axiom,
axiom of choiceDon't be shocked by Cohen's and Gödel's voice
Check out my new axiom, axiom of choice, yeah
Listen to Cohen's and Gödel's voice (aah...)
You can check it on out, it's the axiom of choice, yeah
well-order this this
Or you well-order that
You well-order this
Or you well-order that
Or you well-order this
Or you well-order that
Or you well-order us
You well-order this
Or you well-order that
You well-order this
Or you well-order that
You well-order...
Principle of Hausdorf,
a lemma due to ZornPrinciple of Hausdorf, and a lemma due to Zorn
Principle of Hausdorf, and a lemma due to Zorn
With a Principle of Hausdorf, uh, we're gettin' warm
Ambiguously known?
constructivists, they moan
pure existence proofsand my pal
I guess you just don't realize
It's gone beyond
doublin' sizeWe're mathematical sleuths
For new truths
some parts of this are clearly stronger than others. suggestions for improvement are very much welcome.
i note also that the original material has several other lyrics, on loops, i think not performed by
the main vocalist.
some suggestions on appropriate rewritings:
the refrain:Break, eject
Eject, eject
could be turned intoMake? Exist!
Exist, exist!
for the oft-repeated:'For they catch ya Chainsmokin' (Word)
the best i've been able to come up with is Wanna max your chain 'scending (Zorn!)
which has the advantage of alluding to the
ascending chain condition, and the disadvantage of being rather awkward.
where it modulates into:Before they catch ya Chainsmokin'
(Can't forget to load it)
(assuming we go with the above-suggested rewrite) we could use something like Wanna max your chain 'scending
(Can't expect to prove it)
that's what i've got. suggestions on these bits are also welcome.