Jun 08, 2006 08:53
1. Doomed... You're all doomed. (friday the 13th)
2. See big men sticking screw drivers into things - turning them - AND ADJUSTING THEM! (mst3k the movie)
3. The marajuana goes in the top drawer. The cocaine and speed go in the second drawer. And the heroin goes in the bottom drawer. Always separate the drugs. (the goonies)
4. Alright, alright, alright. (dazed and confused)
5. You said you wanted to be around when I made a mistake, well, this could be it, sweetheart. (empire strikes back)
6. No regrets, that's my motto. Well... that and everyone Wang Chung tonight. (out cold)
7. You're all going to die down here. (resident evil)
8. He came home! (halloween)
9. Welcome to prime time, bitch. (a nightmare on elm street 3)
10. Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young, Doctor. (star trek 2)
I didn't think most of these were that hard